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Solved OneNote + Old Interface + Metro Interface + Screenshoot?


Hello guys!

I'm in love with OneNote since my Surface pro 1 last year, but only now with my Surface Pro 3 I'm using more it. (and dedicating more time to learn)

And I'm trying to use the tool SCREEN CLIPPING, and now come the question:

It's only take the SS from old interface??? Not from METRO??
If I want to Clipping part of the screen on my METRO menu, or in my Internet Explore METRO, it's possible?

Every time I press the icon for ScreenClipping it minimize my OneNote and ?I can select the area I want.

PS= I'm using the Desktop Onenote (have more options to play and work with. The Metro version is missing a lot of things (or it's hidden and I didn't see it, because I'm noob hahahh??????)

Thanks Guys!
I believe this is the case. Its pretty moronic. Only thing to do is take a screenshot with the pen and then just select the section you want.

I was expecting this as a last resort. aheheaheahe F@#%$

Just to get clear, the SS is the Volume UP + Windows logo in the tablet. right?!

I was expecting this as a last resort. aheheaheahe F@#%$

Just to get clear, the SS is the Volume UP + Windows logo in the tablet. right?!


Or just double tap the top button on the pen, which will then give you an option to select what part of the screenshot you want to use, and then import it straight to one note. That and the snipping tool, i've not had a reason to take a typical screenshot in years.
Or just double tap the top button on the pen, which will then give you an option to select what part of the screenshot you want to use, and then import it straight to one note. That and the snipping tool, i've not had a reason to take a typical screenshot in years.


It works!!! Finally hahahaha..... now I have one reason to keep my Bluetooth on....
Before I left my Bluetooth off to save battery (because for me, the only feature so far for my pen use Bluetooth is the top button to open OneNote, for me is not A BIG THING.... now this screen shoot is a big thing for me hahahahaha!!!)


This post you do with your notes, you are using clipping to onenote, make your note, and them you take a screenshoot and upload here? or have one option from onenote to export as JPG. I was looking the options for Export and looks like you are taking SS from your notes in OneNotes right???
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This post you do with your notes, you are using clipping to onenote, make your note, and them you take a screenshoot and upload here? or have one option from onenote to export as JPG. I was looking the options for Export and looks like you are taking SS from your notes in OneNotes right???[/QUOTE]
If I tell you my trick I'll have to Kill you.

Ok, take the screen shot with double tab in the top button, once in OneNote use Snipping Tool to cut it and save it as JPG.

Let's pretend that you didn't teach me anything so you don't need to kill me!!! ehehaaehaeh

Thanks Ctitanic!!!! Very nice! :D
