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fan noise

I have an hp Touchsmart all-in-one desktop computer. This computer has an Intel i7 processor, 23 inch screen, 8gb ram and 2tb hard drive.
The fan in this computer seems to run constantly and always has. Even when it is idle. But do I worry about it. No I do not. The warranty ran out a long time ago but as long as the fan is keeping the internals of the computer cool that is all that matters. This computer works fine and always has. Having said that the fan on my Surface Pro 3 i7/256gb hardly ever runs and the unit never seems to get warm. But do I worry. No I do not. I have much better things to do and it does have a two year warranty on it.
@Grumpy2 do you think my device has some cholesterol ? Would it explain the noise ?
Do you know what cholesterol is? I think not. Cholesterol is a plaque which lines the arteries of the body restricting the flow of blood through those arteries and can eventually lead to a heart attack.
I would like to say that some of your posts here are bordering on the ridiculous. I would suggest that you have nothing to worry about. But as I said earlier you do have a warranty to fall back on if something does happen. It could be that the fan is just running itself ïn". It would appear to me that you are complaining about nothing just for the sake of complaining. There are lots of people on the internet that do that. There is a guy in Australia who has returned 16 ( yes sixteen) SP3 i5/256 devices because he was not happy with any of them. I can not believe that he would have had sixteen faulty devices. Some people are never happy. And remember because products that are mass produced on a production line you will never get two items the same it does not matter what product it is.
@Grumpy2 I was joking ! Take it easy, I know what cholesterol is :D

Read the messages above, concerning olive oil and WD40. It was just a great joke started by @GreyFox7 !

Thanks for your advices though. I appreciate it.

edit: I keep reading your message, and it makes me laugh a lot. I regret not to have seen your face when you nicely wrote what cholesterol is !
@Grumpy2 I was joking ! Take it easy, I know what cholesterol is :D

Read the messages above, concerning olive oil and WD40. It was just a great joke started by @GreyFox7 !

Thanks for your advices though. I appreciate it.

edit: I keep reading your message, and it makes me laugh a lot. I regret not to have seen your face when you nicely wrote what cholesterol is !
Well to tell you the truth I do not have much time for people who post irrelevant comments on any forum. If a person can not post a sensible, constructive and relevant comment then they should consider not posting at all. Are you reading this Greyfox7?. Some of your posts fall into that category.
OK Peeps....take it easy and light'n up a bit, it is OK is one or two threads meander a bit but lets keep it civil...thanks
To close this topic @Grumpy2 let me tell you that the one to blame is not @GreyFox7 but me. My initial question was not stupid but not far from being stupid. I realised it and it turned into (in my) a really funny conversation in which GreyFox7 participated.

So guys, I appologize, take it easy, and thank you for the constructive comments (and also for the WD40 one which made me laugh a lot).

I wish you a really good week-end.
Tip: The site has one of the best ignore features of any site around, I highly recommend it.

Not being funny doesn’t make you a bad person. Not having a sense of humor does.
Do you know what cholesterol is? I think not. Cholesterol is a plaque which lines the arteries of the body restricting the flow of blood through those arteries and can eventually lead to a heart attack.

Actually, cholesterol is a vital substance that we literally couldn't live without. It's a major component of our cell membranes (i.e., without it we'd disintegrate into a gelatinous mass), allows us to produce Vitamin D and bile, and basically we'd die in its absence. Our body produces the vast majority of the cholesterol in our bloodstream at any one time, and so the amount in our diet approaches irrelevancy (in case anyone's wondering). There are actually numerous types of cholesterol transports (lipoproteins), only a few of which are suspected of contributing to atherosclerosis, the thickening of the arteries that you mention. It wouldn't really be fair to say that cholesterol, by itself, causes arterial thickening at all.

My point? Chill. And if you're going to get all pedantic and call people out on being ignorant, make sure you're accurate* yourself. :)

*This is all from memory and may not be exactly precise. But seriously, "cholesterol is a plaque that lines the arteries of the body...and can eventually lead to a heart attack."? That's complete hogwash.
What, nobody got this reference? @GreyFox7, I'm surprised at you!
Well I ain't *that* old but dad gave us chores to have done by the time he got home from a half day of work on Saturday so cartoon watchin was just not on the agenda. It was not a happy day if you wasn't done.

For the younger folks, in the olden days, cartoons were only shown on Saturday morning before noon and in pre-TV-historic times ya went to the theatre for that. There was NO Internet, NO computers, NO Video games, NO cell phones, NO Color the whole world was black and white, and dirt was still clean.
I remember watching the previews for the upcoming Saturday morning lineup, and it was one of the most exciting times of the year.

But, 500 SP3 points to the first person (other than GreyFox7) who can identify my reference...