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Battery drain in "Connected Standby"

If you haven't done much on your system, just refresh/reset Windows. In case you didnt know, refresh preserves your user account, files, and metro apps, so it wont be that difficult to setup afterwards.
The thing is, I had that kind of issue (100% USB xHCI active time), and I couldnt find nothing to solve the problem.
Below the part of the report you posted is a section called Activators which can help drill down further what is causing the components to stay awake ....

Doesn't look like any information is found there unfortunately:


I have tried to create a new Sleep Report today, but only get the "same" with the Connected Standby's from yesterday?! Anyone know how I get a report from the latest ones??
If you haven't done much on your system, just refresh/reset Windows. In case you didnt know, refresh preserves your user account, files, and metro apps, so it wont be that difficult to setup afterwards.
The thing is, I had that kind of issue (100% USB xHCI active time), and I couldnt find nothing to solve the problem.

Thanks for your reply ptrkhh.. I hoped I didn't need to reset Windows, but if that is needed I will give it a try later on.. Is it a difficult thing to do? Never tried this at the Surface or with Win8!

Did it solve your problem right away?
Have tried to google as much as possible about the problem, and found that some others had the same problem.. Many relates it to Skype and/or other applications for calling/messaging?! Tried to uninnstall Skype to see if any solution is found there..

EDIT: Did not seem to fix anything..
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Reset should take about 45 minutes and then how ever long to update and install any 3rd Party Software. Are you using Desktop or MUI Skype?
If you do the Reset then add back things in your configuration in a controlled manner. Otherwise if one or a combination of things are causing problems you may end up at the same point with no new information.
Thanks for the replies guys.

I have tried to refresh Windows, and SO FAR it looks OK.. A bit of CPU usage during sleep, but not the 100% USB.. Now the big question: Will connecting something to the USB be a problem?

All updates installed and things seems to be working a whole lot better now.. Hopefully it continues! All results green and almost no battery drain so far!

Thanks to all for the kind help. Will hopefully not need more help on this specific issue again :D
Well.. Celebrated too early! It is back..

Tried to check after every installed app, but not really sure what caused it.. The last program I installed before it re-appeared was iTunes from Apple..

Anyone have any good ideas?! This is killing me!