The primary reason I bought a Surface Pro was the heavily discounted price of $499 and the hardware provided for that price. A Core I5 and 128GB Flash Drive for under $500 was reason enough for me. I like having a portable and was frustrated with tablet only functionality quite often. I was always stretching the limits on my iPad trying to get it to do things it was really never intended for. The Surface seemed a natural transition to me, and I was going to pick up a Surface 2, the RT version, since it included Office, but I was afraid I'd be disappointed with app selection, and then this deal came along. I use it for general purpose computing, have installed Office on it, and except for the trackpad on the keyboard (which is terrible to me) and the on again/off again Bluetooth mouse (T630) I'm fairly happy with the purchase. I'm still not a Win 8 convert, and struggle with that still. I now have it on two of my machines, but I still honestly prefer Win 7...I'm getting there, and trying anyway. Honestly, I wouldn't have bought one at all were it not for the price I must admit. I'm more suited for an ultrabook than a touch screen device, and that may yet be where I end up.