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USB disconnects

I have a USB (Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000) that keeps disconnecting and re-connecting. I have it plugged into the Surface dock.
The transceiver should not be disconnecting. So make sure your mouse batteries are okay.
No problems with this mouse when the transceiver is connected directly to the SP4?
The Dock has its issues.

You should try to connect it directly to the SB and see if it still disconnects.
There's something about the Dock and its connected devices that makes the whole setup unstable.

I bought two Docks at launch and the very first time I had the quirky issues, I thought it was faulty so I tried the other one and, sure enough, same issues. I am less-inclined to think it is hardware; rather, I am convinced that it has something to do with Windows because there has been improved stability over time with the Updates.