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Type Cover Color Popularity

What is your Type Cover's color?

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Black was the only colour available in the store I got it from. I'd like a different colour but not gonna drop another £109 on a colour change.
Hey...the folk with the black cover...do you notice any surface degradation around where the base of your palm rests on the Type Cover? Does the area become shiny and somewhat discoloured?

its not so much that it gets worn down, but I find your skin leaves behind a whitish film or flakes of skin? and all you have to do is wash it with a slight damp cloth and it's back to new again... little gross to be honest lol
its not so much that it gets worn down, but I find your skin leaves behind a whitish film or flakes of skin? and all you have to do is wash it with a slight damp cloth and it's back to new again... little gross to be honest lol

Well, I tried it with the damp cloth process, and while there is some improvement, the worn out look still remains. Or, maybe I am not washing it long enough. I'll give it a shot and report.
Had the Purple one with my SP2, but wanted a change "for the sake of change" with my SP3. I'd never voluntarily have the black one, the red and cyan are a bit too edgy for me, so I went to BestBuy for the blue. I'd have purple again, the blue seems kind of 'safe', but maybe with the SP4!
I started out with Black, but switch it out for a Dark Blue (bestbuy exclusive?). Pretty happy with the change, even though Blue shows dirt more easily.
Well, I tried it with the damp cloth process, and while there is some improvement, the worn out look still remains. Or, maybe I am not washing it long enough. I'll give it a shot and report.

Well don't Rub to long or you might just wear out the spot! lol
It's quite interesting that a lot of people actually have the black...
Sucks when you don't have much color choice in your local store :/
I have the purple one, same color as my top button on the surface pen :D

Me too. My bluetooth speaker is purple, my backgrounds, etc., too. I have a total purple theme going on because it's my favorite color, next to black. :)
I must have long fingers, my palms never touch the type cover. I have the black type cover 2, but it's more of a dark grey than black. Don't use the touchpad, use a bluetooth mouse, or the pen in tablet mode.
Black. Only color I would consider because (IMO) all of the other colors offered clash with the SP3. I even put a black brushed aluminum skin from stickerboy.net on mine so now my SP3 and it's type cover match.