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The Band. It is dead!


Well-Known Member

Gave up the ghost yesterday, won't turn on any more. Have tried everything listed on Microsoft's help webpage including the hard reset etc.

I've had it plugged into a computer all day and twice 'unrecognised USB device' has popped up! But only for a second or two.

Spoke to Microsoft, it's out of warranty by 3 months, so... replacement is the only choice, at a cost of £90! Can get 'B' grade secondhand ones off eBay for £45 so I think I'll probably just do that seeing as though Microsoft can't actually guarantee getting a brand new replacement! Could end up with a Band 2 if there's no stock I suppose, but not sure it's worth the risk.

Has this happened to any one else?
Nope they don't do repairs :(

I think what happened is some water got into a battery compartment. I had a slit around the casing which went a bit funny and the other day I was washing something and forgot to take the Band off... usually it's fine, but maybe with the slit as well, it wasn't very good for it!

Replacement batteries are £25 and who knows if that'd work anyway, probably not worth the risk.

Only 18 months is pretty poor showing though. Quite tempted to get something else like the Pebble Time Round...
2 year bump :p so... got a replacement off eBay like I said. That one died yesterday lol, completely split.

There's 3 left on eBay! Put a cheeky offer in for a brand new one (still sealed) and got it for £30 delivered.

That'll do me until next year when I'll probably upgrade to an Apple Watch, unless anything else interesting pops up (I'm looking at you Pixel Watch)
Still very happy with the Galaxy Gear S3 I got from my wife for our wedding. Only thing I miss is Runtastic
Too big for me, which is a shame as the Gear 2 looked really good (and was smaller)

Shame to hear the Pixel Watch has been cancelled... so Apple Watch it is for me next time!