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Surface Pro work with Macrium or Acronis ?


New Member

Does anyone tryied to use Macrium or Acronis with the Surface PRO ? Would like to hear your experience if it worked or not.

Both of their websites list Windows 8 support. Surface Pro runs Windows 8, there is nothing special or different about it so there is no reason it won't work.
I was asking because i am not sure about the drive. Is the drive an SSD ?

It looks like these are just cloud based backup services, yes? I don't see why the type of drive matters in that case. Admittedly I don't know about either of these products beyond a quick look at their sites to confirm Windows 8 support. I can't imagine any backup service being drive discriminatory though.
It looks like these are just cloud based backup services, yes? I don't see why the type of drive matters in that case. Admittedly I don't know about either of these products beyond a quick look at their sites to confirm Windows 8 support. I can't imagine any backup service being drive discriminatory though.

Well if its really an SSD then there should be not problem i guess.

Yes, and difficult to remove...see the iFixit tear down.

I guess the best bet was the 128gb version. To be honest 64gb doesn't have much room.
It looks like these are just cloud based backup services, yes? I don't see why the type of drive matters in that case. Admittedly I don't know about either of these products beyond a quick look at their sites to confirm Windows 8 support. I can't imagine any backup service being drive discriminatory though.

Acronis is advertising Windows 8 support, but their recovery procedures are based on being able to enter the BIOS, turn off secure boot, and boot in legacy mode. You can turn off secure boot on the Surface pro, but I have found absolutely no way to enter the BIOS and change the boot parameters. In order to get any restore to work on a Surface Pro you would have to boot in UEFI mode and the Acronis recovery media does not support that; neither the Win PE based recovery disk nor the Linux based disk. So while I can currently back up my Surface Pro to an external USB drive, there is no way I can boot from that drive, or any drive/stick/cd/etc and perform a restore. Backup without restore.... not a solution.!!!
I use Acronis on all my PCs... and I don't have any issues at all on my Surface Pro.

I just installed it as usual (I typically don't use the "secure zone" feature of Acronis, so I didn't install that feature on the Surface either). I've done several full image backups over the network and to a USB-based flash drive.

Everything works like it does on my other PCs.
Try to do a restore! You don't actually have to do it just try to set up for it. Any external device you use will have to connect through the USB port so you would have to boot Acronis through that and your device would have to support Uefi x64 booting. I have booted successfully with a Win PE 4.0 (Windows 8) USB stick but I can't run Acronis on that. Of course even for that I had to go into the "BIOS?" screen and disable secure boot, but there is no place that I know of that you can enable legacy boot and start up in 32 bit mode from a USB stick. That is what I do with all my other systems and Acronis works fine that way. I also tried booting another Uefi Windows system from an external GPT drive. It reads the drive and chokes. What we really need is for Acronis to support x64 Uefi on Win PE. They have been talking about it for years but have not done it.