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Seen today at a tech conference...


Well-Known Member
I'm attending a big IT conference in Austin TX at the moment (the SpiceWorld conference for inquiring minds that have to know). It's a really fun conference with a ton of vendors and an unimaginable amount of free swag.

CDW had their Technoliner there (which was cool!! http://www.winningontheroad.com/lite/technoliner.html), and in the course of things I ended up inside of it and walked into the middle of an Intel guy giving a demo of some cool tech. Check out what he was presenting the demo on...

Photo Sep 24, 11 00 40 AM (Medium).jpg

So naturally we got to talking all things SP3. He LOVES the SP3, and he said he's really sorry that when his tour ends with the bus, that he has to give it back.

Also I saw a couple other guys on SP3's while I was there, and got to talking with one who was sitting next to me during one of the sessions. He's one of the network admins for a large company in Austin, and his IT dept bought 4 SP3's for the IT guys to try out. He said 3 of the 4 IT guys have kept the SP3's as their permanent laptops and have returned their other company-issued laptops. They are now learning as much as they can about them because soon they are going to roll them out to their company's sales department, about 30. Then he said after that rollout is done, 300 more employees get them.

He was so excited to be using his SP3! He said he specifically didn't carry a mouse around, and after a while he was pleasantly surprised at how much he enjoyed the touch interaction of the SP3. He pretty much gushed about how cool he thought the pen is, his favorite feature is the click for OneNote.

It was just such a great, positive conversation, and very exciting for me to meet other users of the SP3 in the wild.

Also, the Intel guy was using this device to wirelessly stream to the big display- http://amzn.com/B00J4DHIJU

Looks like Actiontec actually makes several models of that adapter.
OMG ! I LOVE this. I was wondering how this could be done. I could think of sooooo many uses for this.

Thanks for sharing.
Cool... but you know what's coming next... how well does it play ... wait for it ... wait for it ... games. :D
if it can't do 400fps of DoomRaider Zombie Apocalypse then its just another slug on the sidewalk. :eek:
None of my TVs have a USB to connect to so I would prefer to have a microUSB port instead of the USB pigtail for powering the device. Otherwise sounds great.
None of my TVs have a USB to connect to so I would prefer to have a microUSB port instead of the USB pigtail for powering the device. Otherwise sounds great.

That's my issue - I don't even use TVs, but my monitor doesn't have USB to power it.
There are plenty of was to pickup a USB power source. I even have an 1 to 3 outlet expander with USB power port. we all probably have an old or odd brick with USB power available in a drawer somewhere.
There are plenty of was to pickup a USB power source. I even have an 1 to 3 outlet expander with USB power port. we all probably have an old or odd brick with USB power available in a drawer somewhere.

Yes, but that's too bulky for what I want. I want an all-in-one compact adapter, and it doesn't seem like such a thing exists yet.

At second best, a way to send my screen to another PC would work.
Yes, but that's too bulky for what I want. I want an all-in-one compact adapter, and it doesn't seem like such a thing exists yet.

At second best, a way to send my screen to another PC would work.
Hmmm, I guess you'll have to wait for the wireless powered devices. Oop then you'll need a wireless power source DOH! Battery powered??? Rechargeable??? Ghaaa no good.
Hmmm, I guess you'll have to wait for the wireless powered devices. Oop then you'll need a wireless power source DOH! Battery powered??? Rechargeable??? Ghaaa no good.

I was thinking battery powered/rechargeable. I'm sure it will come into existence at some point.