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Surface RT for work

Nah. Not a case. As my job sometimes require me to do inspections at construction sites, I need to carry with me a clipboard that is also a briefcase. I'll be using the surface during inspections, so I gotta figure out the best way to attach it to my thing and make it easily accessible while still keeping it safe.

Interesting. Looking forward to pictures!
I commend you for thinking outside the box. SURFACE RT or even better, surface 2 is a great solution. Especially if you're developing your own metro app. You will save the company lots of time and cashflow in the long run.

They need to give you a bonus for such a brilliant idea.
I commend you for thinking outside the box. SURFACE RT or even better, surface 2 is a great solution. Especially if you're developing your own metro app. You will save the company lots of time and cashflow in the long run.

They need to give you a bonus for such a brilliant idea.

Or just buy multiple user licenses. ;) Probably at discount since he's employed there. Heh.
I have way way better plans to protect my surface. Involves some creative thoughts. I will show you guys when I'm done with my contraption.

Great going ChemCat. I love people with an open & innovative mind. When you know there's a better way, you find it or engineer it yourself. Be a risk taker.