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Probably Returning Surface 3

I think the Micro USB charging is an "issue" because people will think a cell phone charger will work or will work better and faster than it does, but can be resolved with a powerful enough 3rd party charger with 2 ports.
Then you can charge both the Surface 3 and your cell phone with a single charger and charge them at the same time from one outlet if you want to.
You don't have to buy a second Microsoft charger.
its not that we are fan boys, or the fact that your returning your S3...it's the silly little reasons WHY you're returning your S3... all your reasons can be fixed with a little tweeking and changing your user habits... and like others have said, you don't have to buy another MS charger, I bet you have 3 chargers that will work that you have in your house right at this moment... also these kinds of post never end good nor do people like them including myself because they don't help anyone with anything these types of post are very un-helpful imo...
I wish I could agree, but so many articles have said ~10 hours battery life and I am getting 6. not aware of any "tweaking" to fix that.
OKay-- maybe I was having a bad day but I do apprecaite the responses. With the exception of the sharp edges I will agree that I may need more time to get used to it and will not be returning. it. I was just disappointed with the loss of pen productivity since palm rejection wasn't working as well as it has for me on other items.
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Biggest change I found for my power usage was a simple "tweak". I turned off display enable adaptive brightness and just set the brightness to a comfortable level; which for me is 20/40.
It was like 7-10. Obviously the highest estimated figure means "up to" and not the average each time. On my SP3, it's advertised at about 8 hours, I get maybe 6 on a good day with the same usage patterns (brightness 50%, BT/Wifi on). I probably could squeeze more if I wanted to, but I would have to change my habits around in order to gain more battery time. Not ideal for me.
jnjroach gave you some good pointers but they don't seem good enough for you... also for your battery life, well that's what happens when you use the S3 a lot with high demanding apps then no amount of tweaking will help, every single device that I have used never EVER gotten the amount said by the manufacturer... Apple nor HP nor Dell nor Samsung nor MS because I feel they use un realistic settings as an example. But that's the name of the game and you have to learn to live with it, and honestly its no big deal
jnjroach gave you some good pointers but they don't seem good enough for you... also for your battery life, well that's what happens when you use the S3 a lot with high demanding apps then no amount of tweaking will help, every single device that I have used never EVER gotten the amount said by the manufacturer... Apple nor HP nor Dell nor Samsung nor MS because I feel they use un realistic settings as an example. But that's the name of the game and you have to learn to live with it, and honestly its no big deal

Apple usually has very attainable battery use estimates. Other manufacturer usually give estimates that are not possible with normal use.
Seems like 8 hours or less is much more realistic than 10 hours on a Surface 3.
pffft Apple has never gotten the same hours they boasted! not on my iPhones nor on my ex gf ipad also my buddies ipad either...