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Wireless Speeds


Active Member
I've only just got the Surface 3 this afternoon.

Very nice too but I was surprised when I checked the wireless speeds that they're way down on what I expected.

I have Telstra cable and consistently get 110 - 115 Mbps on Wireless AC on the SP3 and about 90Mbps on wireless N.

I'm getting no more than 60 Mbps on either and sometimes down to 17 Mbps on AC. It is all over the place but the computer doesn't seem to be particularly busy.

I was thinking it is drivers but I was watching the CPU activity and I think it keeps the CPU very busy averaging about 70% on the Surface 3 and about half that on the i7 Surface Pro 3.

It may be that the internet speed on the Surface 3 is limited by the CPU if you have very fast internet speeds.
I can confirm that I also get slow internet speeds on my Surface 3. I tried using netflix on both my Surface 3 and iPad Air 2 and the iPad is significantly faster at streaming netflix both starting the video stream and the stream quality were better on the iPad vs the Surface 3. I can only chock this up to a poor wireless adapter that is used by the Surface 3.
As I recall when I checked my local transfer speed it wasn't abnormally low. Connection speed is 866 Mbps My Internet subscription is 50 Mbps and I'm getting 59/61 so can't complain. :) It might have been a little off the first day or so but then the Router and S3 got in step on the tango and it's been solid ever since.
Asus AC router, connected at 866Mbps to TimeWarner 320/20...

speedtest pulling 299/22 in chrome.

Seems ok here.
Very happy with mine
Tested on the weekend and I was pulling the fastest speed of any device in my house at 28mbps when my account is only allowed 25mbps.
Mine is definitely down compared side by side using the same website www.speedtest.net. I don't much about the antennas in these either, now good the wireless antenna is or even how many. Most tablets have two antennas allowing greater throughput some have three such as the MacBook Pro.
Mine is definitely down compared side by side using the same website www.speedtest.net. I don't much about the antennas in these either, now good the wireless antenna is or even how many. Most tablets have two antennas allowing greater throughput some have three such as the MacBook Pro.
There are very few routers that support 3 antenna clients and without that the extra antenna will go unused. Surfaces have two. You could find that out in the time it took to write that post.

Is the router firmware up to date. Wireless is a tango between the router and all devices its communicating with as well as neighboring devices competing for the same space.
There are very few routers that support 3 antenna clients and without that the extra antenna will go unused. Surfaces have two. You could find that out in the time it took to write that post.

Is the router firmware up to date. Wireless is a tango between the router and all devices its communicating with as well as neighboring devices competing for the same space.
It could be an issue between particular drivers used, that router and this device.

Having said that I get much better results out of the Nokia 1520, the MBA 2013 11 inch, the SP3 and my iPad, all of which get much better speeds.

I'm not panicking but not impressed so far either. It is the slowest of any of the devices on AC and not impressive on N Wireless either.

I just assumed it would max out my cable internet on AC but it hasn't.

I should try to do more network speed tests using my NAS over the local network and see what I get.
I was not able to get more than 60Mbps on this until I hooked it up to wired internet using the adapter then it went up to 93Mbps. I thought that explained it so I hooked it up to AC wireless again an this time got 101Mbps.

I then went back to a previous location where I was measuring the other devices and got 108Mbps.

I just tested the Wireless N and even that went up somewhat to 67Mbps.

I did have some issues with patchy WiFi speeds on earlier firmware for my AC87U on the iPad where it would be good sometimes and not others then a firmware update fixed that.

I just checked again and even higher at 111Mbps.

I'm satisfied the little Surface 3 can max out the connection of 115Mbps or close enough to it but not sure why it took over 24 hours to get there while other devices were going OK. It didn't appear to be doing updates or anything .