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SP2 vs SP3

The SP3 is, after all, primarily a tablet, not a workstation. ;)

It is marketed as a laptop replacement...
And much of the disappointment from the SP2 crowd is due to the unexpected poorer performance. After my experience of being an early adopter of the SP2, there was no way I was going to make that mistake again.

Is it too much to expect SP1<SP2<SP3
The way I look at this, if you buy a sports car touted to go 200 mph and then find that the car is throttled to go only 100 mph because of the speed limit or whatever reasons, then I would be kinda a little upset, but for me I am luving the SP3 and it is working perfectly fine, BT/wifi/ everything is working perfect on my machine! I can even game with one of my older game which I'm very happy about... but I can still see why some are upset about the performance throttle...
The way I look at this, if you buy a sports car touted to go 200 mph and then find that the car is throttled to go only 100 mph because of the speed limit or whatever reasons, then I would be kinda a little upset, but for me I am luving the SP3 and it is working perfectly fine, BT/wifi/ everything is working perfect on my machine! I can even game with one of my older game which I'm very happy about... but I can still see why some are upset about the performance throttle...

I was just responding with about the same thing. Look, I really only use my SP3 for Excel and other business apps....BUt Im still a gamer and would like to know that the power is there when I need it
feeeeeeeeeeeelings all up in this thread.

I will preface my opinion by saying the SP3 handles 90% of what I do on a laptop and 100% of what I did on a tablet. In fact I've been trying to dream up excuses to use my Samsung Android tablet and my MacBook pro.

I can understand those that say it works fine for their use and are happy about it, what I don't understand is someone JUSTIFYING the product NOT doing what it was advertised to do.

Like many, I had a previous device(SP1) that I sold to purchase the SP3. Most of us do rather extensive research when making a major purchase like this and here is what I heard and read from Microsoft representatives...... The SP3 is faster, lighter, larger screen with 7-9 hours of battery life compared to the SP2.

I was going to purchase the SP2 because of my experience with the first Surface pro and the fact that the battery life was advertised as so much better.

Like many, I was impressed with all the verbiage from Microsoft of the SP3 and spent the considerable difference for the I5 8GB model rather than the SP2 or another competitors product.

I had a choice of how and what to spend my money on, but I think it is important for manufacturers to be as accurate about the (REAL WORLD) uses of the product. Even more important, is the consumers duty to hold them accountable for large disparities from what is advertised.

What I didn't hear from Microsoft: The SP3 is faster under certain conditions ( light CPU loads), 7+ battery hours only with a very reduced brightness(not the brightness displayed onstage or in any advertising).

There are other issues, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc but those can hopefully be fixed with software releases and many have worked around it.

Microsoft took the Notebook\tablet design to another level showing competitors state of the art design and function. What they didn't do is give away free computers\tablets to the majority of consumers.

We fairly paid for a product that was advertised in a specific way. If the product does not do what was advertised, it does no one any favors to try to justify, downplay or disguise it.

I'm thankful for the many reviews, research, testing and comparisons that the forum users have posted. This is a major tool and opportunity for companies to correct and improve the current and future products.

I work for a fortune 5 company with top executives, believe me when I say the media and more importantly vocal consumers drive innovation and change.

When Panos Panay spoke of the journalist who wrote an article on the SP2 during the keynote launch, it was not for a journalist that praised and made excuses for the product. It was about how they really paid attention to the real world usage, problems and led to them improving the current and future model. Those vocal few are invited to the testing labs, press and launch events.

Another way to say it: Only the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

All this to say this is not about criticizing a product, it is to fairly expect the product AS advertised.
I use Lync 2013 everyday with out issue for multiple conference calls, use Skype and have had to use Webex and GoToMeeting, all work well....

jnjroach, thanks for the feedback on this. That's encouraging. Those programs are a MUST for me in my work and the SP3 would be unsuitable if it couldn't run them properly.
I completely agree with dman27.

While some of us may have no problems with throttling, that in no way justifies the throttling problems. The reality is that MS advertises that you can play games (LoL, Civ 5, etc.) on a sp3 which is true for 5min or so and then the game is completely un-playable. And this is just one use case of which there are bound to be more as David already found.

Please for all sp3 users and future users let's band together and get MS to fix this. It costs maybe 5min to post and you'll be helping your fellow sp3 users. Though perhaps most importantly it will keep MS honest and will help make the future sp's better.
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Looking at this thread and potentially looking a purchasing when available in Oz I have a few questions. Most likely will be the i7 256GB.

Need the ability to run Gotomeeting conference calls and Skype calls maybe with Video. Also Microsoft Lync. How will it handle those?

Feedback from someone who uses those please but realize they'd be using an i5.

I use Lync (desktop version) and the Modern Skype both with audio, video and sharing for several hours a day every day and it works great for me. I've also done one GoToMeeting and one WebEx both with screen sharing and audio without issue.

I am plugged in most of the time but I have done a few on battery.

I'm running the i5 with 4GB upgraded to Win8.1 Enterprise Edition.
null4end, thanks for the feedback on your experiences with Lync,Skype, GoToMeeting and WeBex.

Interested with you comment on having updated Windows to Enterprise. I have Enterprise. Was that just a matter of entering your Enterprise key or a reinstall?
You would need to re-install to put Enterprise on the SP3 that is why MS releases the Driver Pack Download.