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Slow - Find out what is using Resources?


New Member
I love my Surface Pro 8, the size is so convenient, but recently simple tasks have started to take forever, it's clearly thinking about another process in the background, then whatever I'm trying to do says 'Not Responding' for a moment, then eventually it wakes up and carries on again. Then a few minutes later it seems, it's back to hanging up for a while.
Going to task manager only shows me less than 10% CPU usage.

Any clever tools (or a post with a guide) anyone can point me to, that can help me figure out what is keeping my Surface so busy?
Or is it a case of turning off loads of background processes and seeing what improves it?

Any help, before I give a fresh install of windows 11 would be appreciated, there's too much on here I'm in the middle of to blank it right now!!
Take a look at the amount of memory each process is taking up. It could be that you are running out of RAM and starting to hit the swap. That's not good and will slow things down considerably. Swap is when your computer runs out of RAM and starts putting the contents it would normally put into RAM onto the hard drive.

If that's not it, I would find something that will allow you to check out the I/O -- input/output. Something may be requesting a ton of data from the hard drive and it's waiting on that to complete.

Hope this helps.