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Screen won't turn on again


New Member

In every case when the screen turns off (reboot, sleep, powerbotton on/off, keyboardcover closed) it won't turn on agian. The surface is on and runs fine in the background, but the screen is just black.
The only solution is to hold the power botten to make at force shutdown. Then wait for 30 min. By then the screen will turn on again

Has anyone had the same issue?

Best Regard
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Make sure that SP7 has clean ports. If a connection is dirty or has some kind of obstructing debris, the SP7 may not detect that the lid is opening.
Okay, then I think it is time for a "Reset my PC", "Keep my files" option. Seems you have a driver configuration a bit off.
I have tryed win10, win11 and win11 insider. Updated all drivers and firmaware... I can't find anyway do downgrade the firmware/BIOS though (so i don't know if it's a firmware/BIOS issue)

Its alle the same. :(