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Ok this is definitely getting better. Now excuse me but I'm a newbie. What are the 4 windows you have open? Can you please do a screen shot with the video player as 1 of the windows. I'm getting a lot closer to making a decision. Thanks.
Ok this is definitely getting better. Now excuse me but I'm a newbie. What are the 4 windows you have open? Can you please do a screen shot with the video player as 1 of the windows. I'm getting a lot closer to making a decision. Thanks.

It's Microsoft Office 2013 RT, included with the Surface RT. Word, PowerPoint, Excel, & OneNote.
The four windows in the picture above are Word, Excel, PowerPoint and One Note with a side bar of "I am Word Clock."

How about this 2 videos and a spreadsheet.

Hello again everyone!

I'm back from a long hiatus ~ darn you real-life obligations!

I'm glad to see this thread get rolling. You guys shared a lot of beautiful and awesome screenshots!
There's lots of productivity going on, that it makes my college work look like child's play.
I can't wait to get into the field and join the club.

My first reply made me look like such a Surface RT and forums newbie. In my defense, I was and still am.

Here's how mine looks currently - notice the difference

Home Tab

Home Screen Tab.jpg

Start Screen

Start Screen Tabs.jpg

"I was such a noob that I want to pull it out. But then I decided to do the wise thing and keep it in."

- Everyone (that shared online)
Here's my desktop with the Start Menu folder used as a Quick Launch folder on the Taskbar.

Screenshot DT.png

And Here's the Modern UI Start Menu.

Screenshot MUI.png

I'm using Windows 8 Start Screen Customizer from codigobit apps software by vhanla
codigobit apps: Windows 8 Start Screen Customizer

I use Slide Show for my Desktop background, so they periodically change. Having the same background for MUI as the DT really makes it feel like a start menu overlying the desktop.
This is why I luv threads like this cuzz you get to see all the kool stuff other peeps are doing with their surface lol ok here is my screenshots




Edit: I made those walls so if anyone wants let me know ;)
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