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Okay I need some serious help with internet connectivity...


Well-Known Member
Right! Sorry, this is a long one. It all started on a dark, cold evening...

When I noticed the internet running slow. I couldn't be bothered looking into it too deeply as I knew I would get much improved speed from tethering. This was working fine until the inevitable occurred, I ran out of data. So it was back to my broadband. It was still running slow so I tried a few things such as changing the Wi-Fi channel and updating the drivers etc. but nothing worked. Eventually, it died completely... it wasn't just on the Surface so I gave my provider a call. They did a line test and found a problem and sent round an engineer to repair it.

Jump to a week later and my Windows 7 PC is working fine, my PS3 is working fine, my iPhone is working fine... Surface Pro? Not so much. Websites stall and can take more than 5 minutes to load in some occasions. I tried downloaded Google Chrome and after 40 minutes it cancelled saying the download had failed. I knew it wasn't the phone line at this point and was thinking about what had changed since I last had it working. The first thing I thought of was updating to Windows 8.1 and I searched online (on my iPhone!) and found there were other people speaking of this too. So I bit the bullet and reverted back to Windows 8. It worked! For a bit, but then it went back to behaving just how it was.

Now something else I had previously heard of on here was the Wi-Fi getting interference from bluetooth devices. I was running Speedtest.net with and without it turned on, and definitely noticed a difference. I have two devices attached; a Sculpt Mouse and a Logitech adapter for my stereo. I tried loads of difference tests and at one point it seemed conclusive that with one device on, it was okay... but with both on the Wi-Fi was failing. When I say fail I mean the Mb/s drops down to 0.01 and stays there. However it's still completely random, sometimes having both on works fine. I just can't find a definite cause and it's driving me insane!

Knowing it wasn't the OS I've started downloaded Windows 8.1 again and I've left it going for 2 hours now and it's just hit 15% :disappointed: it's just not right... I know I can't really phone my provider again because when I say it works on other PC's and game systems etc. they won't wanna know. I was thinking of phoning Microsoft. Any ideas? Really need help on this one! Thanks.
Well one of the very first simple test is to turn off Bluetooth and see if the problem goes away. If the problem remains with Bluetooth turned off then it is not a Bluetooth issue, where the Bluetooth tranmission is causing interference with your Wi-Fi.

If you are going to download Windows 8.1 then turn off Bluetooth.
I don't know if it's a pro thing, but on my RT whether I have BT on/off makes no difference I get the same speeds... what I suggest is go into devices and remove your wifi drivers and everything and re-install..I heard that has helped other people.
Yes I have toggled the bluetooth on and off many times... most of the time it did make it slightly better, but not always. Sometimes, it's actually better with it on.

You see this is my frustration because in general it seems completely random whatever I do. Could I have a faulty network adapter? I've tested my Windows 7 PC 15-20 times and it basically gives the exact same result every single time. I just want some kind of consistency with the Surface so I can work out where it's going wrong!
Does your Router use any QoS for gaming, video or VOIP? Disabling those settings may improve throughput. Also looking to see if there is a Firmware Update for your router.

If you have an USB WiFi adapter you could test it on the Surface Pro.
The only thing I can add to all of the above is to reset your Modem and disconnect and reconconect, or even replace the cable to your Router to eliminate a possible intermittent misconnection. These suggestions are low probability solutions but they are easy enough to merit a shot.
yea I would also reset your modem AND router, I find when my internet starts to mess up, I unplug my modem AND router, then I plug back my MODEM then let it connect completely and then plug in my Router and then let that connect and it should reset everything and go back to working! but make sure you do it in that order I described.
Clearly your router doesn't like the Pro or vice verse. Get a cheap router and connect to that and just use a network cable between them. Not an ideal solution but it should work.
Does your Router use any QoS for gaming, video or VOIP? Disabling those settings may improve throughput. Also looking to see if there is a Firmware Update for your router.

If you have an USB WiFi adapter you could test it on the Surface Pro.

After you mentioned QoS before I had a look at all my router settings and unfortunately couldn't find anything related to that. I've had it for quite a while though, it's about 6-7 years old. I don't have a USB Wi-Fi adapter but I've used my iPhone via USB before to tether and didn't experience any slow down.

yea I would also reset your modem AND router, I find when my internet starts to mess up, I unplug my modem AND router, then I plug back my MODEM then let it connect completely and then plug in my Router and then let that connect and it should reset everything and go back to working! but make sure you do it in that order I described.

Sorry if this sounds dumb but what's the difference? All I have is a single router plugged directly into my phone line. This is the model I have...

Orange Livebox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clearly your router doesn't like the Pro or vice verse. Get a cheap router and connect to that and just use a network cable between them. Not an ideal solution but it should work.

I would like to try another router if I could get hold of one but how comes all my other equipment is working without issue?
The Marvell Wireless Chipset is pretty new (about 18 months old) your other devices use older more common wireless chipsets, the Xbox 360's wireless caused havoc with many Router when it was released and some of the OHV's released firmware upgrades some had to get new Routers.

Another option is go into the Alternate Configuration Tab on the IPv4 properties of the Marvell Wireless and set a static IP address for your home network, it seems like some of the issues hare the ACK/NACK for DHCP.
After you mentioned QoS before I had a look at all my router settings and unfortunately couldn't find anything related to that. I've had it for quite a while though, it's about 6-7 years old. I don't have a USB Wi-Fi adapter but I've used my iPhone via USB before to tether and didn't experience any slow down.

Is their a more recent model available from your provider.?
If your router is 6-7 years old I would most certainly just replace it. There really not expensive; you can get ones for £10 but I would recommend spending more and do research first! if your going to get another 6-7 years out of one better to get a good one now.