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Logitech T630 mouse

Wayne Orwig

Active Member
Is anyone using the Logitech T630 mouse?
If so, what do you think about the way it functions. Also, how long does it operate on a charge?
I had it for a while. It is nice and compact. I recommend it if you need something ultraportable without a dongle and if you like the convenience to switch between 2 bluetooth devices.
I have it, but don't like it at all I'm afraid. When it works; it works fairly well, but it is terribly inconsistent. Scrolling for example is hit or miss; sometimes it will work and sometimes not. It will strangely reverse scrolling direction as well, without any user intervention. I'm looking for a suitable replacement right now as it is just too frustrating. My initial impressions were favorable; certainly a big improvement over the pseudo-trackpad on the bottom of the keyboard, but it's to the point now that I'd rather not use the computer at all as deal with the T630. I'm reinstalling the drivers right now to see if that makes a difference, but honestly, you shouldn't have to do that at all. I couldn't recommend this mouse at this point.
I've had one for a month or so now and am fairly happy with it. I use it on my Microsoft Surface Pro 2. I do find that if gets a bit crazy sometimes when being used near other Bluetooth devices, and for whatever reason, it causes my Surface to jump back to the desktop occasionally, even without my having touched it.
I've had one for a month or so now and am fairly happy with it. I use it on my Microsoft Surface Pro 2. I do find that if gets a bit crazy sometimes when being used near other Bluetooth devices, and for whatever reason, it causes my Surface to jump back to the desktop occasionally, even without my having touched it.

Someone started another thread called 'rat rating' on this mouse. There is some discussion in there about this issue and how to prevent it.
Did you install SetPoint from the Logitech website? I have a T630 mouse and love it. I had to change the sensitivity down for some of the gestures but other than that it works great.
I have fought this mouse and yesterday I got so frustrated trying to make it work on my Surface Pro 1 that I threw it on the floor and broke it all to hell and threw it in the trash.

So today I'm shopping for another mouse but IT WILL NOT BE A LOGITECH MOUSE. No way never ever again === at least for the Surface. On my desktop my Logitech G602 works fine.

But this flat mouse NEVER worked right. Yes I updated the software etc. etc.
Yesterday I was trying to delete a file on the Surface and I would highlight the file and then it suddenly turned into MANY files selected for delete. Maybe 3 maybe 10. I tried it over and over and over and finally took good aim at the floor and gave that mouse what it so richly deserves --- a trip to the landfill.
The < only > thing that worked good on this mouse was the battery. I couldn't believe how long that lasted. The battery was excellent, performance could be rated great too if the objective was to get people to tear their hair out and lose their temper ( like I did ). Little things make me explode / big things ( like wrecking the car ) don't bother me at all. Dunno why that is. But this mouse had aggravated me since day one.

So I killed the SOB.
I use it with the SP3, a Dell Venue and a chromebook. Works well once you get used to the smaller size.