Do have any extensions installed? Are you using Norton's Firewall capability? Flash enabled (I would disable it)?Yes all updates are done.
I get this error when I try to use this forum with Edge.
I know Norton and other antivirus programs are but as this is Windows you can't be without. And as I've paid for it, it will stay.
I'll try to use Edge instead but I've always found IE to be shit compared to Chrome in the past. Perhaps Edge has improved.
I'd hoped Windows would've improved in the 5 years since I had one at home but it doesn't appear to have. Everything is much harder work than on a Mac.
Wow it gets so hot when I charge it. I can hear the fan working hard too.
That means there's some process or application that is sucking up CPU power. If I make Adobe or Office work too hard, then it will cause my tablet to heat up. Usually it is caused by a background process.Wow it gets so hot when I charge it. I can hear the fan working hard too.
I've found Edge to be just as unusable as IE. Firefox is marginally better, specifically cause I can disable tabs and sync everything across my devices. Chrome is definitely the fastest.I've been trying to use Edge and it has made no difference and it's noticeable slower than Chrome.