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Best bluetooth keyboard?


New Member
I'm looking to buy an alternate bluetooth keyboard so I can connect my Surface Pro 3 to the TV and do some programming on it. What bluetooth keyboards would you recommend?
Depends how you like to work and how you like to type. Does it need a built in mouse? Do you need a dedicated num pad? Does it need to be full size?

I have not used a desk for a computer in about 8 years, I have solely used an htpc setup (sans htpc software) and a logitech dinovo edge. works perfectly. In fact works so well i bought a second edge for a different computer and tv. But it doesn't have a numpad which might not work to well for various professional applications be it programming or simply data entry.

I don't think i can honestly say there is a best one due to the variety of features one will offer over the other and vicce versa. For instance i'd love to buy the logitech k810 i think it is, for it's multi-device ability, but i then lose out on the touch pad of the edge. But then I also love my hp mini bluetooth for its size and looks and £20 price tag, but it lacks many buttons and features.
The Sony PS3 Bluetooth Keyboard is awesome! It has a trackpoint, is very mobile and is much cheaper than the Lenovo one.
It is a bit pricey, but build quality is superb and the lid for the keyboard works to turn it off when attached and then you can fold it and use it as a stand if you like to type in portrait mode. Microsoft Wedge Keyboard.