I have very low processor usage with Chrome windows open. This screen shot was taken with 5 chrome windows. 2 running Gmail as an app, one running Gcalendar as an app, one running Gvoice as an app, and this window I'm typing in with two other tabs open. I also have AutoCAD 2016 open, BluBeam Revu (acrobat reaer/annotation), MS Excel 2016, and a specialized structural analysis package - plus the 100 or so background processes. Chrome is running with about 5-6 add-ons (ublock, evernote, lastpass, and a few others).
Chrome may ask for a lot of processor cycles when it's running Flash, or actively running add-ons, but it's idle performance isn't killing my battery.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17803372/CPUwith chrome.jpg