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Yellow streak reduction???


Active Member
My Surface Pro 1 had a faint vertical yellow streak on the left side of the screen. Yes the same one that has been alluded to many times on this forum and elseware. It did not bother me enough to return the unit, and so I ignored it. One of the members, I believe it was Mitchellvii, had reasonably suggested that the cause might be a glue/bonding issue. I had need to use it recently and I decided to experiment. I slid my thumb, with some pressure, down the left border/frame, close to bevel edge seam of the screen panel, and then back up again a few times, while observing the yellow streak. To my amazement, imagined or otherwise, it ameliorated. Can anyone confirm this happening or was it a wanted illusion?
How about that.

I tried this, no more yellow line!!!

I don't know whether to be happy or to cry. You are not supposed to fix expensive tech devices by rubbing them briskly...
How about that.

I tried this, no more yellow line!!!

I don't know whether to be happy or to cry. You are not supposed to fix expensive tech devices by rubbing them briskly...

Glad you were able to duplicate my experimental observation. It wasn't a hallucination after all
You had me at ameliorated. Lol, good find. Wonder if it will stick (pardon the pun). Anyway, looks as if your SP3 massage came with a happy ending. :)
You had me at ameliorated. Lol, good find. Wonder if it will stick (pardon the pun). Anyway, looks as if your SP3 massage came with a happy ending. :)

It was your speculation that prompted my experiment on my SP1. My SP3 is "yellow streak free"; no massage needed. :)

I am surprised that there are not many other comments to this thread.
There is an issue that many SP3 owners have identified with yellow banding that is unsightly, and perhaps indicative of a fundamental manufacturing flaw. Many owners have sent units in for replacement due to this defect, and some have been disappointed that even their replacement devices have the same problem.

Now, it is possible to get partial or total resolution of the appearance of this defect simply by firmly pressing along the length of the left bezel near the junction with the screen.

Now I realize that there may not be multitudes jumping for joy at this revelation, but complete silence? There should even be comments from the nay-sayers, offering explanations as to how we must simply be delusional.

Well, at least for now, my display is perfect...

I am surprised that there are not many other comments to this thread.
There is an issue that many SP3 owners have identified with yellow banding that is unsightly, and perhaps indicative of a fundamental manufacturing flaw. Many owners have sent units in for replacement due to this defect, and some have been disappointed that even their replacement devices have the same problem.

Now, it is possible to get partial or total resolution of the appearance of this defect simply by firmly pressing along the length of the left bezel near the junction with the screen.

Now I realize that there may not be multitudes jumping for joy at this revelation, but complete silence? There should even be comments from the nay-sayers, offering explanations as to how we must simply be delusional.

Well, at least for now, my display is perfect...
Well said. My thoughts were identical. Perhaps skepticism and the fear of endorsing a unorthodox method of application for remediation.. Hope to hear from some others.
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I love it. A low tech solution for a high tech problem. I'm planning to test it out after I decompress from returning from a business trip (to MS).
You had me at ameliorated. Lol, good find. Wonder if it will stick (pardon the pun). Anyway, looks as if your SP3 massage came with a happy ending. :)
Thanks for the comment mitchellvii I had a good laugh when I read that. A good start to my day. I do not have a yellow streak on my Sp3 so I can not give it a massage " with a happy ending". You do have a good sense of humour.
Just came across this thread, and I might have to give this a try on my SP3. I'm a little hesitant, because you never know what unforeseen and unintended consequences such a thing might have, but I can't imagine it making anything worse. Then again, that brings up the "unforeseen" part.

But, what the heck... I'll give this a try and report back when I'm in front of my SP3 again.