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Yellow hazy vertical line on left side of screen

That image is fascinating, if not a bit disconcerting. Thanks for posting it, and sorry to see that yours has gotten that bad. I can't say that mine has gotten any worse, but it's definitely just about as noticeable.

What I find most interesting about the image is it demonstrates that it's not simply screen bleed. There's a distinct demarcation between the line and the left edge of the screen. If you're comfortable with it, press on it lightly while booting (black but backlit screen) and see if you notice any distortion--I do on mine.

I'm going to continue to keep an eye on this. I still don't see any reason to exchange due to the issue, simply because I think every SP3 has it to one degree or another. It seems like a design flaw of some kind, not a mere defect. But I'm going to continue working with Microsoft support to make sure they're aware of it.
I think this is a weird light bleed issue. It seems much more noticeable in this forum because of the light gray background than anywhere else. On a white background much harder to see. May be that light gray accentuates yellow.
While I do believe all SP3's have this problem, I think mine is definitely worse than others. Here is a picture of my wife's SP3 next to mine.


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I am in the camp that believes this issue exists on all, or at least the vast majority of SP3's and those who say they don't have it are either 1. very lucky 2. just not able to see it. I am reluctant to exchange for this reason as my i7 256GB is otherwise perfect. Have had no heat/fan issues like some others, and screen is otherwise flawless.

Also, I have now owned 3 SP3's and they ALL had this, and my friend's SP3 had it, and every unit I saw in the MS store I went to had it. Either my eyes are more sensitive, or this is a design flaw/issue. No reason to exchange just to get another with same issue. Although it does seem it can be worse on some units than others.

I otherwise love this device and it's not that noticeable if you're not looking for it, so I'm not going to return for now, but will wait it out in hopes future batches fix this and can use Complete then. Although by not returning due to this issue, we're kind of feeding the problem. The more returns/complaints MS gets, the more likely they are to research and address.
Yea... other than this issue, my SP3 is perfect. No WiFi or battery issues. Maybe I will just pull my taskbar to the left to mask the issue and wait like I originally had planned for MSFT to iron out the kinks.


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While I do believe all SP3's have this problem, I think mine is definitely worse than others. Here is a picture of my wife's SP3 next to mine.

Damn that is terrible. I feel for you. Mine is extremely minor compared to that and it still bugs me. I would just exchange this but am I just going to get the same thing or worse? So bummed. I thought I finally had the perfect device and now this BS.

And my computer was a brand new shipment that had just come come in so it's not an issue with one bad manufacturing run. Weird that before reading this thread I never even noticed it.
Mine has it but it's very faint. Some shown here are bad and I'd definitely get a replacement.

I don't think this is a MS only issue though. Every manufacturer has some type screen issues. I know when I had my retina MacBook Pro the online forums were loaded with screen issues / complaints. The Samsung screens had issues and the LG screens had different issues.

Some people were going crazy returning them trying to get Samsung screens only to find they had issues, just different ones, as well.

Mine is pretty faint so I will accept it for now and see if they resolve the issue in the future. If they do, I can exchange then.
Used the HD control Center to change the default refresh rate from 59 to 60. Seems a little better.

I'll just put my taskbar on the left side. Right now the yellow is so minor and the taskbar has to go somewhere.
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My experience with the "yellow line issue"

a) I did not notice the yellow line until I read about the issue in this forum
b) After I saw it, I too, could not "unsee" it
c) I requested an RMA exchange through online customer service (easy process)
d) Received a replacement unit that was much better, but still has some visible yellow haze
e) That haze is less apparent with setting the display refresh rate to 60Hz

I wonder if the psychiatrists have a special subdiagnosis in the Obsessive-compulsive disorder set that would apply to "display intolerance disorder"? I am sure I have that...
My experience with the "yellow line issue"

a) I did not notice the yellow line until I read about the issue in this forum
b) After I saw it, I too, could not "unsee" it
c) I requested an RMA exchange through online customer service (easy process)
d) Received a replacement unit that was much better, but still has some visible yellow haze
e) That haze is less apparent with setting the display refresh rate to 60Hz

I wonder if the psychiatrists have a special subdiagnosis in the Obsessive-compulsive disorder set that would apply to "display intolerance disorder"? I am sure I have that...

How did you change it to 60Hz? What was it before?
How did you change it to 60Hz? What was it before?

You have to download the display driver from intel (the .zip version), delete the current driver, reboot, then run the setup for the new driver from inside the unpacked .zip file. Right click your desktop and open the HD Control Center. You can change it to 60hz there.