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Yellow hazy vertical line on left side of screen

Yup, whoever posted the pic, EVERY SP3 I've had and seen has it.... although it's worse on some than others. Actually, my current i7 256GB is the least affected. It doesn't look quite as bad as your pic, but it is most definitely there. Like others, I'm convinced this is widespread since I am 3 for 3 in getting the yellow line, so no point in returning/exchanging now.
Hee hee... So, yeah, there I was, using my SP3 all morning without complaint, and then I saw this thread again.

Whoop! There it is!
I may be blind! I don't see any line. Any way, those affected can try to get replacement calling MS Support. I would call if the line is so visible like the one in the picture.
I may be blind! I don't see any line. Any way, those affected can try to get replacement calling MS Support. I would call if the line is so visible like the one in the picture.

I think sometimes pictures make a problem look worse than it is.
it's getting a lot worse on my machine. I think will return mine soon. See attached photo.

Does anyone have any experience with Complete? I was on chat with MSFT technical support for about 2 hours. They suggested I uninstall the drivers and reboot. They ensured me that they will get back to me via email to continue troubleshooting, but have not. I go to the Chat site and noticed that it's closed for the day. Wasted about a lot of time today with them without a resolution. Is it easier to just get the exchange done at a store (I have two nearby).


  • IMAG0900.jpg
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it's getting a lot worse on my machine. I think will return mine soon. See attached photo.

Does anyone have any experience with Complete? I was on chat with MSFT technical support for about 2 hours. They suggested I uninstall the drivers and reboot. They ensured me that they will get back to me via email to continue troubleshooting, but have not. I go to the Chat site and noticed that it's closed for the day. Wasted about a lot of time today with them without a resolution. Is it easier to just get the exchange done at a store (I have two nearby).

Wow, that's pretty hard to ignore.
Well thanks for ruining my otherwise perfect Surface Pro 3 experience. Have been staring at this screen for 3 days now and never noticed a yellow haze down the left side. Now I can't UNSEE it. :-(

It is barely barely noticeable on my new i5 but it is definitely THERE. Dammit. Now that is gonna bug the hell out of me. As a matter of fact I would swear it has gotten worse as I've been typing this comment. This thread is CURSED. I swear there was no yellow haze before I visited this thread. I'm not kidding. I am super anal about screen imperfections and never noticed that until now.
