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Yellow hazy vertical line on left side of screen

Will there be a fix for this?
Bought mine on 22 June I think, and have been using it continuously. However, it was today I noticed(before finding this thread) that there was some kind of yellow line, so I started to search the net for it and found that this seem to be a common issue.
Don't know if it has always been there but it would be strange if I noticed it just now after all this time and usage.

I certainly hope there will be a fix, I’m not in the States anymore so there might be a problem with exchange etc.
Don't know. It is disconcerting for sure as it seems to get worse over time. Regardless, in the meantime a "fix" for it is just to place your Taskbar over the yellow area. Lame but it works for now.
So I left my SP3 in the car today (90F) since I was going to get it exchanged at the store. When I went to open it, the yellow haze was bright as a highlighter! I wish I took a picture of it. I'm pretty certain the haze is caused by heat now. I remember noticing the haze only after I installed an Android Emulator (DuOS), which is really taxing on the SP3's CPU.

For those of you with the haze, report back to see if it's accentuated by heat.
Just a quick update. The yellow hazy line up the left side of my SP3 is definitely getting WORSE. Could barely see it at first, now it is really obvious when I don't have it covered by my Taskbar. Am going to wait till day 44 of my Bestbuy return window to exchange this to give MS some time to get this sorted out with a new manufacturing run.

Hope they are addressing it. This is a serious defect and could really cause a problem when the day comes to resell this unit for the SP4 upgrade. Such a bummer as for me this is otherwise a perfect device. It's always something. :-(

P.S., I do not believe this is heat related as the opposite side of the SP3 is the one which gets hot.
Just purchased a SP3 today and noticed the faint strip fairly quickly although it is not nearly as bad as a couple of examples shown here. I will only be able to get a refund with the store if I can show the item is faulty within 28 days. Sitting on it as some people are saying they might do is an option but what if it gets far worse......grrrrrrr very frustrating. Really hoped Microsoft knew what they were doing this time round :-(
Just purchased a SP3 today and noticed the faint strip fairly quickly although it is not nearly as bad as a couple of examples shown here. I will only be able to get a refund with the store if I can show the item is faulty within 28 days. Sitting on it as some people are saying they might do is an option but what if it gets far worse......grrrrrrr very frustrating. Really hoped Microsoft knew what they were doing this time round :-(

In the meantime just put your Taskbar over it. Out of sight, out of mind.
Instead I am trying to fall in love with the colour yellow.......If I knew it would never get worse then I can live with it, who knows though. That's the issue. You would have thought a third generation product would be pretty well thought through.
Got my replacement and the screen looks just like my old one when I first received it. I can definitely see the yellow tint still (probably because I know its there now), so fingers cross that it doesn't get worse. I can live with it now.

My local MFST store wouldn't give me a NiB and referred me to the advanced exchange site. Device arrived in a generic box. Kinda peeved that it came with light scratches on the back, but it otherwise looks new to me. It looks like their tech installed all the updates before shipping and he didn't take the best care of it.
Got my replacement and the screen looks just like my old one when I first received it. I can definitely see the yellow tint still (probably because I know its there now), so fingers cross that it doesn't get worse. I can live with it now.

My local MFST store wouldn't give me a NiB and referred me to the advanced exchange site. Device arrived in a generic box. Kinda peeved that it came with light scratches on the back, but it otherwise looks new to me. It looks like their tech installed all the updates before shipping and he didn't take the best care of it.

Sounds like someone else had it before you.
Got my replacement and the screen looks just like my old one when I first received it. I can definitely see the yellow tint still (probably because I know its there now), so fingers cross that it doesn't get worse. I can live with it now.

My local MFST store wouldn't give me a NiB and referred me to the advanced exchange site. Device arrived in a generic box. Kinda peeved that it came with light scratches on the back, but it otherwise looks new to me. It looks like their tech installed all the updates before shipping and he didn't take the best care of it.

I also had the yellow hue and returned mine to Microsoft, the return I received came with scratches, (but I didn't notice any yellow hue) I let them know my surface came damaged and sent it back. I just received a new undamaged surface but this has the yellow hue on the left side. Currently working with the surface support team to figure out what to do. I also referred them to this thread.