This is my experience
Windows Insider Build 14279 & 14291 is a hot mess of BSOD. I am constantly getting BSOD on these two builds. More blue screens than any other insider builds to date for me. Just a few of them that I have captured. They are random. I was just sitting idle on one of them, didn't have anything open. Others were in Internet Explorer, iTunes, Windows Explorer, and OneNote.
Driver_IRQ_Not_Less_Or_Equal (igdkmd64lp.sys)
System_Service_Exception (win32kfull.sys)
I just did a reset this morning to wipe everything and got back to a clean 14291 to see if this would make any difference. Nope. 5 minutes in and blue sad face...
These are insider builds, I know what I am in for. I have submitted a handful of insider feedback.
Anybody else experience this on the Surface 3?
I am in the process of going back to 10586 for stability and will try the next build when it comes out.
Windows Insider Build 14279 & 14291 is a hot mess of BSOD. I am constantly getting BSOD on these two builds. More blue screens than any other insider builds to date for me. Just a few of them that I have captured. They are random. I was just sitting idle on one of them, didn't have anything open. Others were in Internet Explorer, iTunes, Windows Explorer, and OneNote.
Driver_IRQ_Not_Less_Or_Equal (igdkmd64lp.sys)
System_Service_Exception (win32kfull.sys)
I just did a reset this morning to wipe everything and got back to a clean 14291 to see if this would make any difference. Nope. 5 minutes in and blue sad face...
These are insider builds, I know what I am in for. I have submitted a handful of insider feedback.
Anybody else experience this on the Surface 3?
I am in the process of going back to 10586 for stability and will try the next build when it comes out.