Even after my message of praise to Win10 this past weekend, I have gone back to Win8.1. The Win10 system came back to life in the middle of the night and started eating battery power for breakfast one too many times. I'm tired of watching battery life all the time and dealing with an untold number of small quirks and instabilities that didn't make life impossible but were starting to wear on me.
I know these are a relatively minor concern in the array of all the problems I could have been having with Win10, but perhaps I just have too much else going on in my life right now and don't need any more surprises. I have 26 years in the tech world, including rolling out Win95, 98, and XP in various sized corporate environments. I went into Win10 because I love messing with operating systems. But I'm also trying to write a novel and get more reading done, and I need stability, at least on my computer.
I also know myself too well. We'll see how long it takes for me to get restless and put another preview build on my SP3...