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What would you guys advise?


So, I've got my RMA label and am all ready to wipe my machine and send it back...

But here's the thing. My machine is mostly working awesomely, it's all set up how I like it and some of the software is going to be a pain to get again. Also I know I'll be getting a refurb machine in return and am a bit concerned about that. So I'm currently weighing up my options.

My issues for returning are:
1. A faint yellow line down the side of the screen. This is pretty faint and if it was the only issue I'd be able to live with it. Also I'm not even sure they'll be able to see it when I send it back as only some of the forum users here can actually see it in posted photos, so I'm a bit concerned they won't see it. My husband can barely see it and my kids can't see it at all.

2. Tingling on the back when charging. This is an issue if it affects safety. I posted a thread on this and advice ranged from it's normal to change it now it's dangerous. I'm not really sure what to do. If it's normal especially here in Australia a new unit will probably be the same. If it's dangerous then, of course, I want to change it. I use my surface on my lap a lot so I'm usually using it when it's on charge, I need to know this is safe.

So what do you guys advise, should I change it and hope for the best in refurb roulette or should I hang onto this one with its added 'features'?

Many thanks for any replies.
I would be more concern about the second issue. Just because of that I would have any doubt on getting an exchange. Yes it's painful and you may get a refurbished that's even worse. But you may not. And if the one you got have issues you still can exchange it again until you are satisfied.
Exchange it. I personally don't care if I get new or refurb machine as long as it's in tip top shape. Regarding the yellowish band, mine has it and it doesn't bother me at all. I almost never notice it during normal use. The not being properly grounded issue would concern me.
To add to the chorus, exchange it. Unless the SP3 has led you to discover latent X-Men like power over electricity, that's a problem that could potentially manifest itself in worse ways, both towards your safety and the SP3 lifespan.

Good luck.
if you have a way to do a backup on a SD card or harddrive you might be able to restore your old system on your new one. might take some pain out
I would wait for the second one, plug it in, and see if there is tingling. If there is, you know it is the outlet. :)
I would wait for the second one, plug it in, and see if there is tingling. If there is, you know it is the outlet. :)

Here in Australia there's no advanced exchange I have to send mine in and only when they've received it do they send another out. I've decided on the above advice to return it, though it's a pain and I just have to hope that the next one isn't a lemon.

Thanks all.
Firstly i'll reiterate that the tingling sensation is NOT dangerous. It is an issue outside of the device, you could plug it in at a local Starbucks (or anywhere else) and not feel it. It is not a permanent, device level problem.

That said, I agree with exchanging it. The yellow line on screen is NOT acceptable, the screen should be perfect. It is an expensive device.

If you have the ability to, refund it with the retailer and buy a new machine to ensure you get a brand new boxed one. If you get a replacement via RMA, then if the replacements not perfect just keep sending it back until it is :)

Keep us updated how your replacement goes! :)
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I bought it from Microsoft store online so have no option but RMA. Fingers crossed it goes well.
Firstly i'll reiterate that the tingling sensation is NOT dangerous. It is an issue outside of the device, you could plug it in at a local Starbucks (or anywhere else) and not feel it. It is not a permanent, device level problem.

That said, I agree with exchanging it. The yellow line on screen is NOT acceptable, the screen should be perfect. It is an expensive device.

If you have the ability to, refund it with the retailer and buy a new machine to ensure you get a brand new boxed one. If you get a replacement via RMA, then if the replacements not perfect just keep sending it back until it is :)

Keep us updated how your replacement goes! :)
I'm guessing DeltaXray has some magical Xray powers to determine the state of electrical connections from afar. Otherwise one should not express opinion or anecdotal cases as if it were the only possible outcome especially when someone else's safety is involved. Even if there's only a .01% chance its harmful it would not be ok to say don't worry only a small percentage of our fellow members get harmful electrical shocks and most of them survived.
I understand your concern over the tingling on the back. I too get this when charging my sp3, but then I also experienced it on my sp1 and previously with my iPad. If you are worried then by all means return it - especially with the yellow tinting on the screen. That would actually bother me more than the tingling
I understand your concern over the tingling on the back. I too get this when charging my sp3, but then I also experienced it on my sp1 and previously with my iPad. If you are worried then by all means return it - especially with the yellow tinting on the screen. That would actually bother me more than the tingling
Gary, you may have a bigger problem, consult a certified electrician.