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Volume cuts out entirely while set low


New Member
When my surface RT volume is set around 12 I can hear it sometimes fine, but then when my movie/TV show/music gets quiet, the sound shuts off entirely. It is like someone pulls the plug on it. Then when it gets loud again, the sound turns on. What ends up happening is whenever characters are not talking the sound cuts out, then it goes back on halfway through the next word of dialog. It is super annoying. I can turn the volume up to 30-50 and it will not happen, but then the volume is too loud to fall asleep to. I will probably bring it to the microsoft store but I am not sure if I will be able to replicate the problem in a loud crowded mall, because the problem only occurs when the volume is low to begin with.
There's quite a few reports of that issue. There was mention of it being fixed in a recent update, but for me the problem persisted.
Glad to know that I am not the only one. It has been frustrating... I often fall asleep to some radio/tv/music and this makes it impossible to do so with my surface.

I am considering bringing it to the Microsoft store and seeing if they can reset it to factory settings. If it still doesn't work after that I might replace it with a new surface, I am concerned it will continue happening though.

Have you tried refreshing to factory settings?
I've put the 8.1 preview on and the issue is still there. Bit of a shame - I often do the fall asleep to music thing and not being able to have the volume low means I can't use a Surface for that.
Yes it is definitely still there with 8.1, possibly worse... Or maybe it was just the particular show I watched so far.