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[VIDEO] Outstanding Surface Commercial from Microsoft

cereal killer

Active Member

I usually don't get too excited about commercials that feature tablets and phones, with the exception of the old Droid marketing campaign done by Verizon. Most of these types commercials are good, but they don't really sell you on the product which is really the point, isn't it? Last years Surface commercials, in my humble opinion, were a disaster. People dancing around clicking in their keyboards with a smorgasbord of colors to choose from missed it's mark. It just fell flat. Flash forward to what Microsoft is doing today, and we have to say that the marketing department have really stepped up their game when it comes to properly marketing their product.

This commercial really drives home the point that the Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 are really "not just a laptop, not just a tablet." They are not only hip, cool and great looking, they are powerful tools so that you can do real work. This commercial scores two big thumbs up in our book. Enjoy!
Nice, but at 0.21 or thereabout the ad shows inking, but I thought the Surface 2 will not have that capability. I say Surface 2 and NOT Surface Pro2 because that's what appears at the end of the commercial. Comments?

Edit: Just saw it again and notice that at precisely 0.21, a light sub-text does say Surface Pro2 comes with a Surface Pen or something to that effect.
I usually don't get too excited about commercials that feature tablets and phones, with the exception of the old Droid marketing campaign done by Verizon. Most of these types commercials are good, but they don't really sell you on the product which is really the point, isn't it? Last years Surface commercials, in my humble opinion, were a disaster. People dancing around clicking in their keyboards with a smorgasbord of colors to choose from missed it's mark. It just fell flat. Flash forward to what Microsoft is doing today, and we have to say that the marketing department have really stepped up their game when it comes to properly marketing their product.

This commercial really drives home the point that the Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 are really "not just a laptop, not just a tablet." They are not only hip, cool and great looking, they are powerful tools so that you can do real work. This commercial scores two big thumbs up in our book. Enjoy!

Really, I'm positive the entire industry agreed on that point. The worst part of those stupid dancing ads wasn't even how pointless they were--it's that they put 100% attention on the keyboard itself which isn't even bundled with a Surface purchase. It was in June/July this year that MS added much better "use case advertisements" to their Youtube channel, I think. Keyboards still aren't bundled (gah), but the stress was finally shifted to actual use, with the assumption of keyboard purchase to reach that potential.

Nice, but at 0.21 or thereabout the ad shows inking, but I thought the Surface 2 will not have that capability. I say Surface 2 and NOT Surface Pro2 because that's what appears at the end of the commercial. Comments?

Edit: Just saw it again and notice that at precisely 0.21, a light sub-text does say Surface Pro2 comes with a Surface Pen or something to that effect.

I had to rewind to see that super light fine print too. Immediate down-marks on MS for not making that 100% clear on first view that the Surface 2 doesn't have a pen. Actually, down-marks for mixing both products together unclearly in this ad. :( But still way better than stupid dancing.

Even the Apple loyalist are commenting positively on these Microsoft ads

I thought the "vs. iPad" commercial was completely unnecessary too. The only similarity with Surface RT/2 is that Windows RT has a walled-garden ecosystem, but that's it. Use case scenarios are always, 100% best.... well, to be remotely convincing to me, I guess.
This is off topic but I find it funny that Microsoft, Apple, etc spend tens of millions in advertisement while Canonical tries to promote the Ubuntu Edge with a bad quality home camera.

E.g. Ubuntu Edge: convergence in action - YouTube
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I agree with you guys. The hip hop and jumping around commercials were completely pointless. It told people nothing about what they could do with the surface.

MS marketing team really screwed up there. While MS was trying to tell people that they could be productive with their tablet, their marketing team told people a totally different story.
I really think surface as an edge to ipad as it has lot many cool features, like the keyboard and pen but what really fades its beauty is tiles on them.
Dont you think that Microsoft should get something new besides tiles. I really get overwhelmed with soo many colors on my screen.
But its just me, there are people who may like it. :) :)
I really think surface as an edge to ipad as it has lot many cool features, like the keyboard and pen but what really fades its beauty is tiles on them.
Dont you think that Microsoft should get something new besides tiles. I really get overwhelmed with soo many colors on my screen.
But its just me, there are people who may like it. :) :)

There are only so many options for "touch-friendly" object selection. At least tiles are a bit more customizable than iOS or Android icons. I'd like to be able to customize their colors and I hope they eventually add an option for a much narrower rectangular button for better lists (but still touch-friendly), and a way to nest them like folders in the old start menu paradigm...
My only complaint of the new ad's are the fact they decided to market both the Surface 2 & Surface Pro 2 in the same commercial with only some very small print to point out what each doesn't have. You can very easily think that the Surface 2 is useful for professional photo editing & includes a Stylus. You would be led to believe that the Surface Pro 2 includes Microsoft Office....something I still don't quite understand. Even non-Microsoft Windows 8 Pro tablets are coming packaged with Office.