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Solved USB xhci battery drain


New Member
Hello all,
suddenly i realized my battery drains faster than at my SP3 beginning.

Does anyone have an idea what happened and how to fix?
Last standby it cost me 16% juice.
I do not use usb often and when i go to standby, my usb-devices are disconnected. I also took out my sd-card for testing
i wondered if trying the reinstall or items mentioned there might fix your issue as it appears something is wrong for sure.
Try uninstall all desktop apps and reisntall it one by one after generating the sleepstydy report. In my case the citrix receiver desktop apps cause this USB xhci battery drain. So i just uninstall it and my sp3 sleep well after that.
This not a real solution, but it may point in that general direction. I have the same issue. Refreshed and reset. Still weird battery drain associated with that USB device. While troubleshooting, I removed that device in device manager. I proceeded to refresh the device list to get it to reinstall. Noticed that it reinstalled the Bluetooth driver. Checked in settings, under BT, and the only device listed was the Pen, but it said driver error underneath. I turned off BT, and left off. Today, the battery study is all green, and the battery sipping seems to be down to a trickle. YMMV
First, make sure there is no USB cables or peripherals attached to the device. Then make sure that all components are allowed to go sleep (especially WiFi and BT antenna).
Check the Device Manager, double-tap on an item, go to the "Power Management" tab, and check "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power". Then --this is important-- restart.

That said though, I once had this issue even though all of those are checked already. I ended up with a factory reset.
The factory reset was my only way out. I checked all that you also mention, but nothing helped. I now started to reinstall everything and after a successfull sleep session I make a disk dump before to install the next program. This takes ages, but I think it is the only help.
I found my troublemaker. I have a bluetooth audio adapter from philips that makes my battery drain. It is bt 3.0 aptx and seems not to support any powersaving! As soon as I switched on bt at sp3 it is connected even in cs. I now started to unplug the philips if i do not stream music or movie and my drain is back all green.
I found my troublemaker. I have a bluetooth audio adapter from philips that makes my battery drain. It is bt 3.0 aptx and seems not to support any powersaving! As soon as I switched on bt at sp3 it is connected even in cs. I now started to unplug the philips if i do not stream music or movie and my drain is back all green.

Good job, great troubleshooting on your part!

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