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USB Car Charger?


I've found an old thread http://www.surfaceforums.net/forum/microsoft-surface-pro/5242-car-charger-surface-pro-2.html but wasn't really what I'm looking for.

I've found a nice 2 amp 12v Car Charger which has 2 USB outputs to charge almost every tablet & phone around here.
I'll be probably a lot on the road with this thing and it's nice to charge it.

So my questions:
1. Is there something already available (doesn't look like it)
2. Is it even possible to use such an output to charge the Surface Pro 2?

I've seen in the announcement of the Surface Pro 2 that early 2014 an official car charger will be available. I quote from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/news/press/2013/sep13/09-23surface2pr.aspx
"Car Charger with USB. Car Charger plugs into most cars’ power or lighter ports and charges Surface without the need for an additional adapter. It also features a USB port to allow simultaneous charging of a phone or other device. Car Charger will have an estimated retail price of $49.99 and has a projected release date of early 2014."
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