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Unexpected store error BSOD


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I keep getting an unexpected store exception BSOD on my Surface Pro 2017. I'm not running any antivirus except defender and I have removed some start up programs as recommended on some websites.

Any ideas? Where do I go to see the crash detail report?
Updates installed on 10th... I'm not entirely sure whether the BSOD was happening before then but I think it may have been.
When it does it again I'll take a shot but it pretty much just says unexpected store exception. There is a code but when I googled that last time it was pretty nonspecific.

This is likely due to you having "fast startup" enabled in the special power options. Essentially, Microsoft account information regarding your device, and in the Windows Store are accessed before your Surface Pro 2017 is ready to accept the response from outside.

Settings, System, Power & sleep, Additional Power options, Choose what the power button does, Change settings that are currently unavailable,
then untick the "Turn on fast startup (recommended setting)."

Restart your system from cold. After all is well, and the Store can be accessed, return to enabling the fast startup.

This is likely due to you having "fast startup" enabled in the special power options. Essentially, Microsoft account information regarding your device, and in the Windows Store are accessed before your Surface Pro 2017 is ready to accept the response from outside.

Settings, System, Power & sleep, Additional Power options, Choose what the power button does, Change settings that are currently unavailable,
then untick the "Turn on fast startup (recommended setting)."

Restart your system from cold. After all is well, and the Store can be accessed, return to enabling the fast startup.

Thanks I tried this a while ago. I think I then restarted and enabled again. All seemed well for a while but it's just BSOD'd again with the same StoreException so I've turned fast start up back off.. I'll leave it off for now.
I just got another BSOD... This time and IN_PAGE _KERNAL_ERROR

any ideas.... This is getting annoying now.