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Touch cover muting on its own. Help...

Does you surface with touch cover mute on its own.

  • Does not mute in its own

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Does mute on its own with touch cover.

    Votes: 10 71.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
Well I picked up a surface pro with a touch cover on launch day and I love it, but I'm having a problem while using the touch cover it will mute the surface on its own. It happens quite often and I've read it happens with the rt as well. I called MS and they are aware of the problem and are looking into it. I read through some of this forum and I haven't seem any one speak of the problem. Has any one had the problem and fixed it by returning it for a new one? It does not sound like the type cover has the problem but I really like the touch cover and would like to stick with it. Any help would be great. I added a poll.
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Sorry to hear about your problem, but I never had electronic-related problem with my Touch Cover. Cosmetic problems, yes. :LOL:
I have not heard of this problem either. With all the users here and no mention of it, it must be a rare issue.
I really hope that's the case, I'm going to get a exchange tomorrow and I hope that's the end of it. I found a forum with 15 pages of guys talking about the problem.
But was it the same two or three people talking back and forth for 15 pages or a whole bunch of people with the issue?
It was alot of different people if you do a google search for surface touch cover muting theres lots of sites that talk about it. When I talked to microsoft today about it they knew about the problem as well. I'm hopping it was a bad batch because I do not want to move to the type cover.
Your Touch Cover when attached, causes your Surface to randomly mute the volume?

Never happened to me.
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Early on (like in the first couple of days) people were reporting the volume running itself down if this is what you mean by muting. The first update seems to have cured that problem though. Have you run the updates? That or possibly it is keyboard related after looking at some of the posts. Try updating, if that doesn't work try a refresh, if that doesn't work try a reset if that doesn't work try exchanging your keyboard.

Running through those steps and you should know fairly quickly if you need to make a return. I still don't think this is a major issue but one only a few people are experiencing. Sure you can find dedicated threads but compared to the overall number of users this seems to be limited to a small number (of potentially bad keyboards?). If you are one of the unlucky ones you should have no problems with an exchange for a working unit.

As Adamrb25 stated, this seems to be a fairly common problem.

I have had this problem since day 1 with my Surface RT w/Type Cover. I almost always have the cover attached when using the Surface, so I never really checked/noticed if it muted with the cover removed or folded back for tablet mode. A couple of days ago I used the Surface for an extended period without the cover and the volume did not mute once. So, I contacted MS for a replacement Type Cover - I should get in the next couple of days. We'll see if it fixes the problem.
Let me know how that goes for ya. I've read of guys getting replacements then its fine and others who still have the problem. I'm guessing it was some bad batches.

As Adamrb25 stated, this seems to be a fairly common problem.

I have had this problem since day 1 with my Surface RT w/Type Cover. I almost always have the cover attached when using the Surface, so I never really checked/noticed if it muted with the cover removed or folded back for tablet mode. A couple of days ago I used the Surface for an extended period without the cover and the volume did not mute once. So, I contacted MS for a replacement Type Cover - I should get in the next couple of days. We'll see if it fixes the problem.
I've had that issue happen to me. I just dont mind it because it mutes the sound instead of making it 100% where some sound could blast.
I got a replacement today and after 1.5 hours no muting so far, it was happening at least every 30 mins or less befor.

Let me know how that goes for ya. I've read of guys getting replacements then its fine and others who still have the problem. I'm guessing it was some bad batches.