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This is for you if you take extensive notes -- any good solutions on finding/structuring/sorting?

Hopefully you don't take this the wrong way, but it may be your organizational skills. I am having an impossible time following what you are even talking about in this thread.

One Note is not a "13 year old piece of software"... not sure where you got that from. It has some of the most advanced capabilities for note taking I've ever seen... such as being able to sync an audio recording and with your written notes that go with it. OneNote App and OneNote from the Office Suite are different and have different organizational abilities; so you may want to try them both. They can both access the same notebook.

You may also want to get someone to work with you on your organizational approach.
let's say you have 100 or even 1000 words explaining something about cat

how you gonna find that?
This is just too easy, unless you're just here to argue. So write your 1000 word article and guess what there are going to be quite a few key words/points all mixed in that article. And that is how you search the article.

For instance I have a cat so my article would discuss his play habits and toys, his favorite foods and snacks, how much and where he sleeps and naps, as well as some of the stuff and furniture that he has ruined and clawed up. I could also discuss medicines and vet visits, etc...

Now when I want to tear apart this 1000 or 10,000 word document all I have to do is search in One Note for sleep, snacks, toys, furniture, or other key words that come to mind as I remember different things about my cat.

So when I am looking at some documents and trying to find something in One Note it is ALWAYS very quick and easy to find it because I know what I'm looking for and just have to search for a key word or phrase to find it. And the speed of these searches is blistering!
"for sleep, snacks, toys, furniture"

huh... do you even use onenote?

i already said there are many occurrences elsewhere of the aforementioned words

so how you gonna find what you're looking for??
let's say you have 100 or even 1000 words explaining something about cat

how you gonna find that?

The exact same way I would search for something on Google. It very much sounds like your use of search terms is the issue, not the software.

To use the example of cats, why would I search "cat", that will get me nothing but vague and numerous results. If I know I'm searching for a document detailing feline feeding requirements, then that is what I'd search. As I and others have attested, search and organizational in onenote seems absolutely fine. To me it sounds like the issue is with you, not the software, and you don't even know what it is you're actually searching for.

im looking for something far more detail about 'cats' but dont know where it is

"typically remember about 90%"

psychological studies have proven that not a single person

and that a person has a high amount of bias in their self-perception


if everything was remembered, we would never even need any notes at all

90% of inked notes isn't off - there are studies that people retain much more what that write, much less from typing. 90% is current notes (within the past 30 days) but again I can search across all open notebooks.

"better search criteria"

well onenote is a 13y old software and doesn't, and there's nothing better in 2017

is there a better solution?


so you're able to find exactly what you need instantly??

how do you have your notes setup that you're able to find exactly what you need instantly??

I haven't decided if you just have an axe to grind, are setting us up for your preferred solution or haven't really used OneNote.

OneNote 2016 gives good search results -


UWP or Mobile Version -


* what's the most detail example you can think of to see how fine-grain onenote can be? (remember there are multiple occurrences of any given word)

"3 notebooks each with around 12 sections, and about 40-80 pages in each section"

any most helpful links on the Web in 2017 by now on structuring?

Just like any Index, the more info you give it the better the result - as above but with more context and information and far less but more focused results -


Organize based on your needs - if you are a student typically by subject or course, same for teachers or profs

I do it by Projects or Workstreams, I know lawyers who do it by case or client.

If you have used a moleskin notebook or even the spiral bound notebooks it the same. If OneNote doesn't cut it for you, go try Evernote or even S Note if you like Samsung.
"for sleep, snacks, toys, furniture"

huh... do you even use onenote?

i already said there are many occurrences elsewhere of the aforementioned words

so how you gonna find what you're looking for??

Look you said in a 1000 word document friend. So if I had a 1000 word document on my cat I might only use the word sleep, snacks, toys, and furniture 1-3 times each. You asked and you set the parameters so don't go shooting down someone who answers your crazy scenario!

Now yes I do use One Note and love it as it searches what I need very well. It syncs with my phone, tablet, and desktop effortlessly and so I have no complaints!
90% of inked notes isn't off - there are studies that people retain much more what that write, much less from typing. 90% is current notes (within the past 30 days) but again I can search across all open notebooks.

I haven't decided if you just have an axe to grind, are setting us up for your preferred solution or haven't really used OneNote.

OneNote 2016 gives good search results -

View attachment 8584

UWP or Mobile Version -

View attachment 8585

Just like any Index, the more info you give it the better the result - as above but with more context and information and far less but more focused results -

View attachment 8586

Organize based on your needs - if you are a student typically by subject or course, same for teachers or profs

I do it by Projects or Workstreams, I know lawyers who do it by case or client.

If you have used a moleskin notebook or even the spiral bound notebooks it the same. If OneNote doesn't cut it for you, go try Evernote or even S Note if you like Samsung.
Thanks @jnjroach! This thread has given me the opportunity to learn how good OneNote search really is. Your examples are really helpful. I just saw you can pin the search results so you can hop around from document to document to find what you want. And it matched searched words that were typed, inked and even in pictures (slides copied in from pdfs). Awesome.
Thanks @jnjroach! This thread has given me the opportunity to learn how good OneNote search really is. Your examples are really helpful. I just saw you can pin the search results so you can hop around from document to document to find what you want. And it matched searched words that were typed, inked and even in pictures (slides copied in from pdfs). Awesome.
Happy to evangelize :)