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SP 4 with System Resource Issues


New Member
I have a SP 4 with the i7 processor and 8 GB of RAM. With the different activities I do, and various email accounts I have, I am frequently running into System Resource issues with different browsers. At first I mainly used Chrome which has a reputation for using up resources. So I switched to mainly using Firefox. Now admittedly I generally have quite a few tabs open, but that is the way of the online world anymore.

I constantly am finding myself having to reboot because my Surface becomes almost unresponsive. At the least, this is irritating and a time waste. I did not skimp when buying this, and now I am wondering if I need to either buy a new one (since I can't upgrade the memory) or just say screw it and buy a Macbook Pro.

I do have things running like Norton Security (Microsoft store employee told me to just use Windows Defender) and I do utilize the cloud quite a bit (which means I have dropbox installed and running along with One Drive and Google Drive). Surely I shouldn't need 16 GB of RAM just to work and multi task online, should I? Anyone else run into resource issues? What was your resolution (if any?)

Norton Security is your issue! Try something like Webroot if you are scared to go with Windows Defender. Webroot uses basically no resources while programs like Norton/MacAfee are resource hogs.
Is there any difference if you logout and log back in instead of rebooting? Rebooting takes too much time (I find anyways). I also use Chrome and Firefox but never got to a point where mySP4 became unresponsive.
Actually Norton is not a hog. Norton 360 takes up 25 Mb of RAM. During a full system scan running exclusively it will temporarily chew up about a GB max. But releases it quite quickly if the system is in use.

IE 11 and Edge are hogs eating up 100+MB per tab. As are some other programs.. I don't know what you're using.
Actually Norton is not a hog. Norton 360 takes up 25 Mb of RAM. During a full system scan running exclusively it will temporarily chew up about a GB max. But releases it quite quickly if the system is in use.

IE 11 and Edge are hogs eating up 100+MB per tab. As are some other programs.. I don't know what you're using.

I use webroot and when it is scanning it uses very few resources. The problem with Norton and some others is when they scan that is when they are resource hogs. Of course you can set them to scan at 2-3-4 in the morning but good luck with that if your laptop is shutdown so then it will do so when available and there go your resources.

Desktops are not nearly an issue since most aren't shutdown at night.
I've just recently been having problems with Google Chrome and Firefox since a recent update. Not sure what it is but the 2 browsers have made my SP4 unresponsive as the original poster has stated. I couldn't logout so I had to do a hard reset which I've never had to do in the past. Edge seems to be working fine but it's the last browsers I would use.

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