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Sleep study question


Active Member

I've been getting

"NCSI" and "WP Sync Client" high utilization in sleep study.

Any thoughts what these are? The WP you'd have thought related to windows phone but I disabled/removed the phone app and a few others for testing.

NCSI - Naval Criminal Service Investigative , sounds like the French version of NCIS. :D
or it could be the Network Connectivity Status Indicator.
WP sync client - Windows Phone sync client.

Id say you attempted to remove WP app but wasn't completely successful.

Perhaps run the Network Troubleshooter, uninstall/reinstall WiFi driver.
NCSI - Is the Network Connectivity Status Indicator and WP Sync Client is the Windows Phone Sync Client, so it has a service running somewhere...
I figured that's what NCSI was, but why is it showing so high on sleep study.

the WP sync, that's going to be a pain to track down. UGH
I never installed any WP sync software. I disabled the PHONE and the communications app and it didn't affect anything.

Googling around, other folks saying it's tied to onedrive syncing. Cannot confirm.

the NCSI might be because I disable WIFI when sleeping.
Still... it's in the network stack. A lingering service, a botched setting (not necessarily one of your own making) etc.

Sure would be nice if there was a button to restore Windows Subsystems to their defaults, it would be a lot easier than a full Refresh/Reset or troubleshooting blind.
WP Sync has nothing to do with windows phone. Tons of trial and error and monitoring packages and it tracked back to Windows Photos app. ...and blocked... LOL