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Post Your SP3 i7 Battery Life

What is your i7 battery life?

  • 3-4hrs

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • 4-5hrs

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • 5-6hr

    Votes: 11 40.7%
  • 7-8hrs

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • 6-7hrs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'm debating if I should exchange my i5 for the i7 SP3. I already know that the i7 version does not throttle as low as the i5 version and can maintain a stable 2.29GHz and 75C temperature, whereas, my i5 throttles down to 1.5GHz and 65C temp.

But what I don't know is the battery life. I can get around 6.5-7hrs on battery with the i5 version. If the i7 battery life is significantly less, than I probably won't upgrade.

Can people post their battery life please? Thanks.
I already know that the i7 version does not throttle as low as the i5 version and can maintain a stable 2.29GHz and 75C temperature, whereas, my i5 throttles down to 1.5GHz and 65C temp.
Careful here. If you are talking about that one extended Youtube Video it was only a CPU Stress test. If you do a CPU+GPU stress test the i7 version also goes down to ~1,6 ghz.
My initial non-scientific battery tracking yesterday. I am getting 7 to 8hrs on my usage. I got 100% at 2:30pm, non stop normal usage, web, email, MS word, Youtube, install app, etc... No games. I don't do game. 58% by 6:30pm. Continue to use with what I would do normally, 30% by 8:30pm. Got down to 10% the rest of the night. I charged back up to 64% by mid-night. Unplugged power. In the morning 8am, it dropped to 61%.

I think, my battery life is pretty good on my SF3 i7.256. At least, base on my normal usage.
Check your battery report. It will show your battery consumption more accurately. On normal use (internet browsing, word, some video streaming) my average is about 15% per hour.

Here is the script: RUN and enter --> powercfg /batteryreport /output %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\battery_report.html

A HTML report will be generated on your desktop

Also can someone report their battery capacity? Is it the same as the i5? My i5 is 42,484 mWh
I'm not sure why, but I can't get battery life out of either the i5 or i7 SP3 comparable to my SP2.

I get 4ish hours out of either SP3's.... I don't notice much difference between the two.

And yes, the i7 has the same size battery as the i5 and the SP2.
First post. Very useful forum. Unscientific but I am seeing 6.5 hours web browsing, using Office suite, other non-heavy work load. Surface Pro 3, i7, 512... I traded a i5, 256 for this and feel it's generally faster - again non scientific seat of the pants. I do like the SP3 a lot.
running powercfg -batteryreport is still guessing about 5:04...and things are settling down a bit so heat is hanging around 66-75 (processor 1 is 4-5 degrees cooler. ) so I suspect battery life will extend a bit over the next days but I think that 6 for me will be about what to expect. I will live with that since my sp2 was only 4 and my more recent laptops are 2.5-3. But recall I am no gamer nor do I know which end of the camera to use, so both my battery and CPU heat risks are lower than some of you.