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Official Windows 10 Insiders thread

Anyone have any insider knowledge of when we might get a new build? Getting a bit fed up of constant app crashes and inability to change from desktop to tablet mode.
Later this week (Wednesday or Thursday would be my guess)....They didn't like the stability of the builds over the weekend, so they will look at telemetry of Canary and Daily and Internal to see which is the best candidate for release.
Cheers Jeff. Haven't had a build with so many significant bugs as this one before. Will be nice to be able to print to pdf again.
I've been running 15031 (Fast Ring) on my Surface Book for a couple of weeks. No problem running VLC or printing to .pdf . No message about "settings being managed by your organization". Very few troubles.
My only app based issues are with store apps. Notably drawboard and onenote. Will lock up after coming out of sleep, and then when re-launched in tablet mode (which I acn't turn off without re-booting) they get stuck at the "loading screen", else launch to blank content (e.g a pdf will just display blank pages).

The printing to pdf issue is along the lines of "could not connect to printer". I have the same type of error if I attempt to print to onenote.

I am really liking the night light feature though. I've found it has reduced eye strain during the day while reading text books for 2-3 hours. Normally my only option was to turn the brightness way down, which was far from ideal.
OK I lied - Dona Sarkar just tweeted -

Just installed 15042. Seems to have fixed my issues and it might be me, but everything seems a lot snappier and responsive :)