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Loose USB Connector on SP3?


New Member
Is anyone else having issues with a loose USB connector on the Surface Pro 3? Mine is very loose so the connection clicks on and off if you just tap the tablet or cord.

Is this a known issue or do I have a problem with my unit specifically?
Mine died completely. Unfortunately it happened while I was messing with the boot loader, trying to dual boot with Linux. I bricked the machine and couldn't recover because of the USB. Waiting on a replacement now.
Just like the USB on every computer, or any mechanical interaction really, it will get loose after a while. One thing for sure is it should be tight when new. If its not, just exchange or return..​
Another obvious thing to check is the cable itself. Try plugging in a couple other USB things to the USB port. I've never experience a loose USB port on any computer I've used or serviced.
Is anyone else having issues with a loose USB connector on the Surface Pro 3? Mine is very loose so the connection clicks on and off if you just tap the tablet or cord.

Is this a known issue or do I have a problem with my unit specifically?

I have experienced the same problem for almost a year. I've attached several different cables (flash drives, back up drives, etc.) and they all have the same problem. The device connects and disconnects constantly. I've wrapped tissue paper around the device's usb connector before pushing it into the Surface port. This tightens the connection. I am not aware of any formal solutions from Microsoft and I don't have an extended warranty; so I put up with it. JC
Never heard of anyone with this issue before, sounds defective.
this was a big problem shared by many SP2 users in earlier forums-- it is one i have had on my surface pro--- thought it was the hub... but it is USB port... it is not tight and starts sagging with use-- not a problem with something that has no weight--- like a thumb drive... just the weight of the cord pulls it down...

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