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Just saying Hi!


New Member
Dropping in to check in from beautiful sunny southern California! LA to be exact and if you are curious San Fernando valley is where I call home!

Anyhow, I found this forum after not getting the type of support I needed on Microsoft community forum and googling "surface pro 7 forum". I am an owner of a surface pro 7 purchased a couple of years ago as a bundle from Costco. I really love the machine, when it's at 100 percent it's a really nice machine. Unfortunately, I would say that more than half of the time I've owned it, my sp7 has not been at 100 % and I hate to say it, I regret purchasing my sp7 and I wish I would of stuck with my original plan on purchasing a Thinkpad X1 carbon . Sucks because my sp7 experience turned me off from ever buying anything Microsoft laptop/tablet/PC brand related, and know that I think about it, I should not be surprised how my sp7 experience turned out considering the headaches windows had given me in the past. If you would of asked me my thoughts on sp7 the first month of using it, I would of been an advertising agent persuading you to buy a surface product. I was even looking at the SLS and think how I can justify purchasing one .

Anyhow, looking forward to great dialogue and contributing to this awesome forum! That is if I dont bash my sp7 with a baseball bat and decide to erase the existence of sp7 out of my memory! HA!
hello and welcome. o_O so you've had some problems ... what would you say are the issues you wouldn't have encountered on an X1 Carbon (I have one of those too) keeping in mind they are both Windows devices.

feel free to make issues you'd like to discuss in depth a separate post.
Hello and Welcome! Unfortunately the Surface Pro 4 and 7 have had some of the worst issues of any Surface Pro model, but I do believe they have worked out most of the issues by now between BIOS updates and software updates to Windows like upgrading to Windows 11. Regardless, we should be able to help just like GreyFox7 said, what seems to be the issues you are experiencing with your Surface Pro 7 that the X1 Carbon is not having?