Active Member
Hi there. I'm an i7, 256 owner and have been very sensitive (perhaps overly so) to when my fan has been coming on. In all of my experience, it only comes on when my cpu usage is sustained around 25% or more. Or, I have one art program that uses the GPU rather than the CPU, and it can cause the fan to come on even with lower CPU usage. For me, I usually only watch Netflix with a few other webpages open so my CPU usage never goes higher than 20%, thus, I have never had my fan come on while watching Netflix--before or after the 9/9 update. Not even in it's lowest setting (since the fan seems to have a few output levels). If this is happening for you with only Netflix running, I would be monitoring my CPU processes from the task manager and try and see how much is being used and if there are possibly other processes that are peaking it and causing the fan to kick in. Even though my fan is actually very quiet even in turbo mode, I know it would bug me greatly for it to come on streaming Netflix.