Yes and thanks Seneleron!
That's exactly the answer I was looking for.
It seems the i7 gives you a nice boost in Fps.
Really appreciate your quick response.
Any other owners with the same experience?
Considering how expensive the DGPU models are an extra $200 is not really that much more
Just glad to hear there actually is a gain with the i7 , an extra 3-7 FPS doesn't sound like much but could make a difference making gaming overall a better experience.
Nice little boost with afterburner!
Speaking of OCing how much higher were temps and any difference with the fan profile ( we're they running longer or harder? Notice any throttling at those speeds?)
Seneleron's experience should be considered the exception, not the rule (remember his first unit was defective).
Strictly speaking, the i5 and i7 in the surface books are the exact same chip. The i5's are the i7's that did not pass certain requirements and where down-clocked 200mhz.
Thanks for that, do you think a notebook cooler will help?
Not that it needs it for temps but to generally keep the base cooler and not having the fans blast at full speed under heavy load.
Full disclosure, I'm on my 3rd Surface Book[one i5, 2 i7]. None of the defects were really all that specific to in game performance. . I kept getting WiFi issues followed by BSOD.
Performance across the two i7s have been identical, but it is true that D3 and HoTS don't exactly push systems to the limit, so DEFINITELY take my performance claims with a grain of salt. YMMV [that goes with any machine due to slight manufacturing tolerances -- always figure +/- 5 % or so