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Heat - back right corner


All the SP3s I've encountered have a ton of heat under moderate load at the top right corner. I have a laptop cooling pad but obviously doesn't help too much given that it is under the unit. I have the dock coming in a couple weeks. Does anyone have any good ideas on keeping this thing cool when used as a regular PC? Maybe mounting a USB fan behind it?
Just the nature of the chipset -- runs warm. It'll improve with the SP4, which likely won't require internal fans at all...
Whenever the fans are running amok, check your task manager to see what process is causing it. I found that the search indexing was causing my SP3 to go crazy whenever I was downloading a torrent so I disabled that particular folder and haven't really had much heat problems since then.
Under load for extended amounts of time, the SP3 will throttle itself. It'll eventually even out at "moderately warm"

It's well within the SP3 operating temperature range and is nothing to worry about.
All the SP3s I've encountered have a ton of heat under moderate load at the top right corner. I have a laptop cooling pad but obviously doesn't help too much given that it is under the unit. I have the dock coming in a couple weeks. Does anyone have any good ideas on keeping this thing cool when used as a regular PC? Maybe mounting a USB fan behind it?
Ton of heat is relative ... my Mac Book Air gets as warm over a larger area and the fan is much louder. both are operating within their specifications.

Maybe a cooling plate would work under an SP3... or a blue ice pack :) I suspect some enterprising vendor will come up with one regardless of whether its needed or not.
All the SP3s I've encountered have a ton of heat under moderate load at the top right corner. I have a laptop cooling pad but obviously doesn't help too much given that it is under the unit. I have the dock coming in a couple weeks. Does anyone have any good ideas on keeping this thing cool when used as a regular PC? Maybe mounting a USB fan behind it?

There was a guy on either this forum or a different one that attached an external fan to his pro and was able to force the air in. He did see some pretty good results from it, better performance because it didn't throttle as much.

I was thinking, in desktop mode it would be neat to have a fan on a flexible mount kinda like this usb light
that you could position over top the Pro and force the air in. It would have to be a small fan and a quiet one to work, but it would be cool to do.

There was a guy on either this forum or a different one that attached an external fan to his pro and was able to force the air in. He did see some pretty good results from it, better performance because it didn't throttle as much.

Proof? With the relatively small size of the ventilation holes on the SP3, I am HIGHLY skeptical on this one.
Links to page 15 of a 65 page forum topic. I looked though page 15, and saw no mention of this fan . . "solution". If I somehow glanced over it, I'm sorry.

It would be helpful if you could copy/paste the post along with the link, as well as copy paste all
relevant temp monitoring data.

Unless this is the entirety of the post?

FPS increases ranging 31-39% for graphics tests, and about an 25% increase for physics tests. 30-40% increase in FPS... not bad!"
Alright, after some issues with pages 42 and 43, I've seen what you're talking about. I'll see if I can replicate the results when I have time. I still doubt those changes would make much of a dent in 3dmark scores, and you're probably only talking 2-5 FPS real world in gaming. . . but I'm intrigued enough to make the attempt.

I will, of course, be using something a little larger than a blower [I have a massey 3.5" personal fan I can adapt, or my Massey 8" with a large ziplock. . . .

Don't worry, I'll take pics ^^
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