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Had to laugh today...


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At work we had an engineer in to fix a large piece of equipment. When he had done he handed me an ipad on which I was clearly supposed to sign in the "customer box"....

... but what with?? He didn't give me a stylus or anything, I had to try to sign in a small box using my finger!

Oh I did mention my SP3 to him and the lovely pen that feels like a real pen to write with, and that any customer could look at that piece of paper and say "that's not my signature"...LOL
At work we had an engineer in to fix a large piece of equipment. When he had done he handed me an ipad on which I was clearly supposed to sign in the "customer box"....

... but what with?? He didn't give me a stylus or anything, I had to try to sign in a small box using my finger!

Oh I did mention my SP3 to him and the lovely pen that feels like a real pen to write with, and that any customer could look at that piece of paper and say "that's not my signature"...LOL
Steve Jobs is gone but he's still giving us the finger :D
At work we had an engineer in to fix a large piece of equipment. When he had done he handed me an ipad on which I was clearly supposed to sign in the "customer box"....

... but what with?? He didn't give me a stylus or anything, I had to try to sign in a small box using my finger!

Oh I did mention my SP3 to him and the lovely pen that feels like a real pen to write with, and that any customer could look at that piece of paper and say "that's not my signature"...LOL

Absolutely any squiggle can be legally deemed a signature. Even a finger print. Why do you think couriers continue to use those appalling devices that you littlerally just doodle on. Because at the end of the day its still an accepted signature and is binding.

I had my own funny moment though. Went to the bank to transfer some money, and took about 20 minutes of the manager playing with my sp3 (gave it to him as bank account details were written in OneNote) and chatting about it and about apple etc. In the end I had to be firm and say I've got to get to a lecture, please take my money from my account.
Apple likes to copy what everyone else is doing (well they only copy the ideas that sell) so I'd guess that if the SP3 and the next version (SP4?) sells that Apple will 'invent' one that's similar and then sue MS..

The lack of a proper stylus is a top spot annoyance with the iPad. Jobs might have had some great moments, but omitting a stylus wasn't one of them. "People don't need them". Uhm yeah, right. Then he goes and starts touting it as a great solution for schools and businesses. Now somebody tell me how it's gonna be useful in those fields without letting folks actually write something down.
The lack of a proper stylus is a top spot annoyance with the iPad. Jobs might have had some great moments, but omitting a stylus wasn't one of them. "People don't need them". Uhm yeah, right. Then he goes and starts touting it as a great solution for schools and businesses. Now somebody tell me how it's gonna be useful in those fields without letting folks actually write something down.

The stylus is for a few niche markets really. Most people will just draw a couple of pictures and forget about it, but it's important to someone like me, as I use it for all my math work and note taking at uni. It depends on the market, but for the casual consumer it's not a big deal.

I agree that ipads are terrible for schools. They are pure consumption devices, and providing them to schools will only diminish productivity.
because this is how Steve Jobs imagines us writing... :D

@Liam2349 Agreed, it's a pure consumption device. That's what has me puzzled why they try to place it in business and school settings, which are quite huge markets as far as niches go. ;)