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drawboard PDF with windows 10


This app is one of the most important apps for me and I think support for the current windows 10 version is still not there.

Is there any news? or substitute for the meantime?

I might have to stick with windows 8.1 for now...
Drawboard seems to be working fine with Win10 on my machines; have you heard of any specific issues?
the favorite tools not showing requiring na restart of the program is one issue. I also read in the support forums that they are still working on some bugs.

I am a student and have PDF books and I use this mainly for studying. It is fortunate that it is summer break. I just don't want any hassle that is all.

Thanks for the prompt reply.

How do you use your drawbaord PDF?
Tapatalk on my Surface pro 3
I also use Drawboard frequently and have seen no issues with Windows 10 through all the TP releases. They just released a new version (4.1.1) which changed the UI to be more Windows 10-like among other things. This version removes the 5 file restriction (yay!) and the premium tier so now everyone has pressure sensitivity for the pen.
When you say 5 file restrictions it's just 5 files all at the same time right? You can save one file and open another one (file 6)?
When you say 5 file restrictions it's just 5 files all at the same time right? You can save one file and open another one (file 6)?

Yeah. When you open drawboard it will load up the last X pdf's you were looking at, which meant that often, when you opened a new pdf, you'd get a "max files open" message and would have to manually close some pdf's and then re-open the new one. Mine seemed to be more like 10 files at a time than 5 though. Either way it was annoying. Personally I just wanted to be able to close drawboard, and upon re-opening, it would open blank.
I just bought a Surface Pro 3, with Windows 10 installed. The clincher in my decision was watching a video in which the enthusiastic reviewer showed how to use Drawboard PDF. I read a lot of PDF articles and want to annotate them onscreen.

1. I had difficulties downloading Drawboard PDF as an app from the store. "Please try again later" over and over. Then I was able to download the Trial version.

2. But it's a terrible experience - the text is blurry, and has a 'shadow' behind it. Unreadable.

Is there anything that can be done?

Most of the rest of you in this thread find that it's working just fine.

Meanwhile now that I look into it, I have seen this complaint all over. I wish I had known about it.

Or perhaps there will be a solution....
I just bought a Surface Pro 3, with Windows 10 installed. The clincher in my decision was watching a video in which the enthusiastic reviewer showed how to use Drawboard PDF. I read a lot of PDF articles and want to annotate them onscreen.

1. I had difficulties downloading Drawboard PDF as an app from the store. "Please try again later" over and over. Then I was able to download the Trial version.

2. But it's a terrible experience - the text is blurry, and has a 'shadow' behind it. Unreadable.

Is there anything that can be done?

Most of the rest of you in this thread find that it's working just fine.

Meanwhile now that I look into it, I have seen this complaint all over. I wish I had known about it.

Or perhaps there will be a solution....

I hear you. It is best to email their support. They are very helpful. And if they find a solution for you. Please don't forget to post here as well.
I just bought a Surface Pro 3, with Windows 10 installed. The clincher in my decision was watching a video in which the enthusiastic reviewer showed how to use Drawboard PDF. I read a lot of PDF articles and want to annotate them onscreen.

1. I had difficulties downloading Drawboard PDF as an app from the store. "Please try again later" over and over. Then I was able to download the Trial version.

2. But it's a terrible experience - the text is blurry, and has a 'shadow' behind it. Unreadable.

Is there anything that can be done?

Most of the rest of you in this thread find that it's working just fine.

Meanwhile now that I look into it, I have seen this complaint all over. I wish I had known about it.

Or perhaps there will be a solution....
It blurs when advancing the page but that is transient... once rendered it works fine. Below is a PDF Bible that is 22MB:

Drawboard Example.jpg