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Clipboard detach issues


I've been noticing that my SB only gives me around 4 sec to detach the clipboard before it turns red with a "failed to open" message. If I detach within 4 sec I have no issues, but I'll get the error message within 4 sec and it won't let me release after that.

Anyone else run into this issue or know what might be causing it?
This is normal, I believe, because the Surface Book re-attaches the clipboard (screen) to the keyboard (base unit) automatically upondetection.

If you do not detach within about four or five seconds, hit the button again.
I don't think this is normal. My SB waits for 10 seconds (not 4), and then, if the screen is not detached, it simply shows the green "Attached" sign again. No red light, no error message. I think that's normal.

The only time I have seen the red light on the detach button was when the auto-rotate function was not working, whereby the button would quickly go from green to red, and then I knew that, even though the screen would detach, it would not auto-rotate (or rotate at all, period). This annoying bug was fixed with the April updates.

I know that the detach button has a timer, and that makes sense in order to avoid inadvertent button presses, but I don't think what you are seeing is normal.

I would make sure that the contacts and hinge are clean and dust-free, then I would do a two-button salute (press power and volume-up together until the BIOS screen comes up, then exit and restart).
Sorry, I did not pay due attention to the red light in your post. I never see a red light, only green flashing.

So I agree, this is not normal. Do a cold boot, as suggested.

1) Hold power button for 25 seconds. Don't release early, even if you see the screen go black or the keyboard dim. Machine will completely shut down. Release.
2) Press and hold power and VolumeUp buttons simultaneously until you see the "Surface" logo on the screen. Release both buttons. Machine will start into the UEFI menu.
3) Exit the UEFI menu either by touch or by touchpad. Machine will restart.
Thanks for the suggestion but it didn't work. I cleaned the hinge and contact areas, and did a hard restart, but I still get the red error message after 4 sec.

I do have MS complete, so I can replace the unit, but I'm not sure if it's worth it yet as I can still detach it as long as it is within 4 sec. I'll just live with it for now.

I am thinking that your keyboard battery is falsely giving an insufficient charge indication, causing the red light.

Try this:
1) Detach clipboard. Power off clipboard.
2) Plug power directly in to keyboard only. Give it several hours.
3) Re-assemble Surface Book and test.
I wonder if you need an alignment service after 1000 insertions with lube and oil change?

I am thinking that your keyboard battery is falsely giving an insufficient charge indication, causing the red light.

Try this:
1) Detach clipboard. Power off clipboard.
2) Plug power directly in to keyboard only. Give it several hours.
3) Re-assemble Surface Book and test.

Thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately that didn't work either. I'll just live with it for now.

I am thinking that your keyboard battery is falsely giving an insufficient charge indication, causing the red light.

Try this:
1) Detach clipboard. Power off clipboard.
2) Plug power directly in to keyboard only. Give it several hours.
3) Re-assemble Surface Book and test.
Hi @sharpuser , my Surface book 1 not recognizes the base (keyboard) sometimes. I think that not be a attached problem, because it attaches well. But, nothing works in base (keys, detach buttom, USB, charging, etc).

Make sure the port (connection) is clean and clear and free of magnetic debris.
Thank you for your reply! Unfortunately none of these steps worked.

What I already tried:

1) Cleaning the connectors and did not fix it.
2) Running the Diagnostic toolkit and did not fix it.
3) Checking the Windows Update (I'm on the latest version)
4) Entering the BIOS and exiting again as suggested in other topics (no luck)

Yesterday, I manually detach with my surface book off, then charging directly the screen (tablet). After, 2 hours I tried to start again and.... it works back. But I had already tried this before no luck. There is no explication why works this time....