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Change color of INDIVIDUAL tile?


New Member
I have MS Surface Pro. You all are bragging about "New! Improved! You can now change color & look of tiles with 8.1!"
It was a slow-go, but I downloaded and installed 8.1 yesterday.
Still no go.
Here, for instance, is what I want to do: I have a separate, branched off from "Sports" feed tile for Oklahoma Sooners, which you have arbitrarily created as blue. My main "news" feed tile you have arbitrarily made red. I would like to make the Sooner tile red.
I have MS Surface Pro. You all are bragging about "New! Improved! You can now change color & look of tiles with 8.1!"
It was a slow-go, but I downloaded and installed 8.1 yesterday.
Still no go.
Here, for instance, is what I want to do: I have a separate, branched off from "Sports" feed tile for Oklahoma Sooners, which you have arbitrarily created as blue. My main "news" feed tile you have arbitrarily made red. I would like to make the Sooner tile red.

Who is this "you" and "you all" that you are referring to?
Who is this "you" and "you all" that you are referring to?

I have no idea who OP claims to be quoting with this--YOU ALL ARE BRAGGING ABOUT "New! Improved! You can now change color & look of tiles with 8.1!"

In fact, I'm not sure I ever saw such a statement on these forums.

Edit: Any comments about tile customization have been about this. No one ever bragged about changing color. So OP is lying and exaggerating to somehow show his point. ;)
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Yeah, which is precisely why I posed the question to the OP! Very odd phrasing of a query for assistance, I think - or, am I being too sensitive this being a forum on the internet, after all!
Y'all be hospitable to our new found member, granted 2 posts in they're a wee bit confused with the rest of them dar interwebs....
Y'all be hospitable to our new found member, granted 2 posts in they're a wee bit confused with the rest of them dar interwebs....

Fair point, but it would be nice if some of these posters would simply ask the questions instead of freaking out and dramatizing like it's the end of their little worlds. I've probably become extremely cynical too, having been around since Gopher days.

To answer the OP: No.

The big deal about Start Screen customization includes tile size and background color/customization. There might be 3rd party customization apps in the works for 8.1, though (not RT).
Fair point, but it would be nice if some of these posters would simply ask the questions instead of freaking out and dramatizing like it's the end of their little worlds. I've probably become extremely cynical too, having been around since Gopher days.

To answer the OP: No.

The big deal about Start Screen customization includes tile size and background color/customization. There might be 3rd party customization apps in the works for 8.1, though (not RT).

Your sarcasm detector isn't detecting my post accurately... I agree with you....