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Battery life

Well, I believe there is a device issue because microsoft saw it in the battery results and are replacing the unit. But I use Chrome on my Dell XPS 13 which has an i7, and it still lasts 10 hours. Before I had Norton on it, I was still getting 2 hours.
Adding on to this, the best test of whether your problem is hardware or software is to do a system refresh, do all Windows updates, and then don't install anything and see how long the battery lasts (or whether whatever problem you had disappears). If the problem is still there, it's probably a hardware defect and you should get it replaced. If the problem goes away, it's likely that some software that you install is the culprit.
Why is Chrome such a battery killer? Is it not well optimized for W10?

Also, your sig says "Surface 4"!!!!! Do you know something we don't???:D:D:D

Chrome still cheats to get its performance boost, it keeps itself resident in memory and prevents the CPU from resting thus eating battery life. They built it for Desktops and Desktop Replacement Laptops that run plugged in and docked.

They don't view Windows as a mobile OS...
Yeah yeah...Didn't Rousseau say...Born free, yet bound by NDAs...Oops! I meant...In chains...!!![emoji51][emoji51][emoji51]

Thanks for the heads up on Chrome...Interesting!!!

Sent from my XT1635-02 using Tapatalk
Adding on to this, the best test of whether your problem is hardware or software is to do a system refresh, do all Windows updates, and then don't install anything and see how long the battery lasts (or whether whatever problem you had disappears). If the problem is still there, it's probably a hardware defect and you should get it replaced. If the problem goes away, it's likely that some software that you install is the culprit.

I guess I wasn't clear. The device had this issue before I put anything extra on it. It was a fresh install/reset and the battery was draining fast.
I guess I wasn't clear. The device had this issue before I put anything extra on it. It was a fresh install/reset and the battery was draining fast.
If you put nothing else on it, it would still drain fast for the first half hour or so as Windows indexes all of its files and does updates. To test the battery, you need to let the OS settle down first... unless you mean that you also did all of the updates and used it for a day or two and still found it draining quickly.
I'm in exactly the same situation as the OP. 2 week old device, have nothing on it but Norton, Chrome, Windows 10 and MS office. I started it from 100% this morning and have had it on for about 20min the rest it's been put in sleep mode and I'm down to 84%.

At this rate I'm starting to to wish I bought an iPad instead which is a shame because it's a gorgeous looking device.