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Solved Sp3: System and System interrups waste 20/25% cpu - heating

over 2 days without problems, my issue is SOLVED

the i7 run around 3/4 C. more than i5 (temperature) that's the unique difference, I would like to switch but because I think we will make 1 upgrade per year... like IPAD or so... I prefer to keep my i7 that I made perfect or so... and wait for the next Sp3+ or Sp4 to upgrade a day.

I don't think this is a pc we will keep for 2/3 years or more, we will upgrade very frequently, soon will come windows 9 and so on.
over 2 days without problems, my issue is SOLVED

the i7 run around 3/4 C. more than i5 (temperature) that's the unique difference, I would like to switch but because I think we will make 1 upgrade per year... like IPAD or so... I prefer to keep my i7 that I made perfect or so... and wait for the next Sp3+ or Sp4 to upgrade a day.

I don't think this is a pc we will keep for 2/3 years or more, we will upgrade very frequently, soon will come windows 9 and so on.

So what did you do that actually fixed the problem?
I said 10 times :)) in my Sp3 was at 99.99% one utility that I had to install, the name is "setpoint" of Logitech, I was using the mouse bluetooh and keyboard bluetooh of Logitech, but I just connected them.. probabily I should install this application of Logitech because contain some up to date driver and/or fix to this issue their devices are having with windows 8.1 etc etc at the end this application it's not a problem it's a small utility to set up the devices, to check battery (my mouse and keyboard are rechargeable via micro usb, I do not have batteries!) etc etc, so may be was that, because I have read that in particular the mouse that is "touch" has some feature that stress a bit the cpu, so probabily was the mouse to create the bigger issue to windows.

I never had an issue with taskmanager of some strange process that went up... nothing!

I'm sure in my case it's Logitech.

To download this driver/utility I went in Logitech website, I have not received any cd to install it when I bought the devices. Tomorrow arrive the mouse and keyboard even for my wife, I will check if was written in the box that I should be obligated to install such software, but I believe not, it's just that without that utility you just get the issues... why don't know, people in Logitech forum was complaining a lot with them because they took many months to sort out and fix this issue of their devices. Now see it is fixed.......... and Logitech mouse and keyboards are perfect, I think the best on the market right now and a must for Surface Pro users! Keyboard it's large exactly as the 12 inch display of the Sp3. I need it because Sp3 replaced my desktop and I can't use the type cover 3.
When I had the issue with "SYSTEM" process I could not leave the pc more than 2/3 minutes idle, I was going in kitchen... and spike, bathroom and spike... I couldn't not imagine to leave the house for 15/30 minutes and leave pc up.
Now it's ok. Perfect! Sometime the Sp3 is silent, 0 decibel fan, it's crazy, this made me change the idea to downgrade to i5 to save 3/4 c. of temperature, but I will test i5 of my wife and next upgrade of Surface Pro I will take less powerfull cpu, because I don't need performance, and Surface Pro however is not a device for performance because if however you are going to use the cpu at 15% or more... the heating issue or fan will hit. The best performance is to let work Cpu always around 10% or lower, max to 15%, but above I can see some issue. For my job it is perfect for now.
So is it ok to install setpoint or not? I have the k810 bluetooth keyboard but I haven't installed setpoint as of yet.
I have seen your PHOTO in the album right now. If you don't have any issue with task manager you can leave without, if you start to have I suggest to set up it. At the end you can set up at the best the mouse or some keyboard function, but if you are not having issues I assume that it's more the mouse to give issues than the keyboard, the mouse has more cpu intensive features seem (it's touch sensitive).
I have seen your PHOTO in the album right now. If you don't have any issue with task manager you can leave without, if you start to have I suggest to set up it. At the end you can set up at the best the mouse or some keyboard function, but if you are not having issues I assume that it's more the mouse to give issues than the keyboard, the mouse has more cpu intensive features seem (it's touch sensitive).

My K810 hasn't worked right since I updated to the latest SP3 Firmware. I'm losing occisonally losing connection between the k810 and my SP3. Also when I hit the Caps Lock key everything goes haywire. I tired installing the Logitech Setpoint drivers and I couldn't ever get the keyboard tab to appear. I know the keyboard works correctly because the keyboard pairs perfectly with my iPad. Any suggestions?


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Is happening to me to! Since few days, I'm going mad, I also have SYSTEM issue again, I'm working like a Microsoft employee to fix the issue of my 1750 usd device :) Please KIF, open a specific thread about the Logitech Keyboard, so I will reply there and we keep there updated, we will wait from Logitech forums other users for a solution... I think happened all like you said after some update few days ago. This messed up again my SYSTEM process going up and now I'm confused, I have to open a new thread for SYSTEM issue because I have to follow another path for that now.